Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

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Typo. Supposed to be 2024. Still weird.

Oops! Better give em another 14 days to fix the typo and re-file.

Typo in the tweet text, not the filing. Still stinks tho

Weird how the bond got reduced to the exact amount he has!


This conflicted, Trump Hating Judge wonā€™t let me respond to people that are on TV lying and spewing hate all day long. He is running rough shod over my lawyers and legal team. The New York System of ā€œJusticeā€ is being decimated by critics from all over the World. I want to speak, or at least be able to respond. Election Interference! RIGGED, UNCONSTITUTIONAL TRIAL! Take off the Gag Order!!!

Donald Trump Truth Social 08:10 AM EST 04/16/24

Maybe the gag is too tight and heā€™s falling asleep from lack of oxygen.


Stupid NY rules. If he falls asleep
In Georgia everyone would see it.


No way this man has the stamina to face 3 more criminal trials. Not sure heā€™ll get through this one

July selection is hellishly boring; honestly I canā€™t blame him.

For someone with no skin in the game maybe. As a defendant, I think Iā€™d wanna see how everyone was answering the questions and pretty sure Iā€™d have a keen interest in whoā€™s gonna be deciding my fate

Especially when I plan to publicly threaten them and their families with no repercussions!


He hasnā€™t and wonā€™t face consequences he doesnā€™t care about the jury selection.

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Such a terrible take. First, heā€™s already facing consequences. Who chooses to spend 6 hours a day, 4 days a week for the next 6-8 weeks sitting as a defendant in a courtroom? Second, itā€™ll be in the hands of his peers to decide his fate. You canā€™t possibly know what the outcome will be

Whatā€™s the opposite of sweet summer child?


The fate will likely be fines(that he wont pay) and probation(that he wont follow) at worst. I think a hung jury is most likely as you need a completely MAGA free jury to convict. And then even if he is convicted the consequences are what exactly? The dude is never going to prison for this.

He is so bored and unconcerned he is sleeping through it. He sees it as a waste of time. How could he not.

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Dolorous Edd

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Whatā€™s the opposite of sweet summer child?

Median Unstuck Poster





I think there is a reasonable chance a jury convicts here. Another Manhattan jury essentially found him guilty of rape in the colloquial sense if not in the legal sense. But I agree he likely faces no real punishment for this one beyond being found guilty.

I agree there probably wonā€™t be jail time for this (not sure there should be). And yes, all it takes is 1 juror for hung jury and even tho this wouldnā€™t be an acquittal, heā€™ll play it up as one. But need I remind you that heā€™s been found liable by a jury of his peers before. As much as I hate Trump, I think Iā€™d be able to return a not guilty verdict if there was some technicality in the prosecution or a reasonable doubt

I also regret that Iā€™m not in the jury pool because I could be bigly impartial. Some would say no one had ever been so impartial before.