Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


I was going to make a “it’s no fun being an illegal adlederthin” joke and I watched the Genesis video and that shit is sussssssssssss.

In my memory this was a Cheech Marin song but I was thinking of “Born in East LA”.

Wow don’t think I’ve ever heard or seen that one before

He’s so quick to back out of his senior moments. Feels like biden just marinates in his.

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What always grosses me out more than Trumps word salads in these videos is the idiots behind him. Like that guy in a grey hat over his left shoulder is having the absolute best time of his life. He is peaking in life as he listens to his dear leader spew hateful garbage. I hate that guy. Trump has given me the ability to instantly hate people. Ugh


Great I just watched and now I hate that guy as well. Dude looks like he’s just skating through life hating minority groups while things just kinda work out for him. Probably scams people too

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lol Scott retweeting an old tweet to the ex president.

That self-titled Genesis album is a bizarre example of a band actually turning to shit over the course of a single record. Side one had some of the typical cool prog sounding stuff like “Mama” and “Home by the Sea”, but by the end it was songs like the above and “Just a Job to Do” (catchy enough, but a precursor to becoming the band that would eventually release “Invisible Touch” which might be the worst song of all time).

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Follow me follow you?


Tfw you’re giving a book report and you didn’t read the book


‘I just called to say I love you’ and ‘Lady in Red’ are equally the worst songs of all time.

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She reaches in and grabs right hold of your heart.

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Apparently right after that he said

Of the many comments and questions I have, the first is whether Trump thinks Lee was a pirate or a leprechaun.


Fifth grade I did a book report on the novelization of Rocky. The end of my report, because I did not read the book or watch the film, said “and Rocky won.” My teacher and much of the class were puzzled by that, knowing rocky lost.


I thought all fifth grade book reports were required to end with “and if you want to know how it ended, you’ll have to read the book yourself”, which gives cover to the presenter who did not in fact read it himself.


This is an elite play.

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