Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

does AI not know what a jail is?


I guess not

Even AI knows that Trump isnā€™t going to jail.


Maybe it knows heā€™ll never see the inside of a jail?


Trump is a prisoner of his own body.

The road to trial is paved with denied requests for stays.


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We got him

Would we accept house arrest as imprisonment?

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If house arrest has no internet no tv and no golf, I can live with it

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I donā€™t know how this works, but I canā€™t imagine him having house arrest without access to a golf course. Am srs.

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The best people

House = property.

So see if he gets house arrest, make him live in the whitehouse (after he wins). Itā€™ll drive him nuts and heā€™ll quit to go live at Maralago

Welcome President Scott.

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Jeremy had an opportunity to do something hilarious by playing along with it.



so sorry your honor, we had the wrong jeremy rosenberg. iā€™m sure you can understand, this is a big whoopsie. iā€™ll need 3 more days to find the right jeremy rosenberg, thank you.


ā€˜If your client would like do a plea bargain, Iā€™ll be glad to sentence him to the max, uh, I mean min.ā€™


ā€˜One way to find out. Your request to delay is denied.ā€™

Canā€™t decide if a golf simulator would be encouraged while under house arrest. He canā€™t cheat on it so it may torment him as he doesnā€™t break 100.

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I honestly have a hard time imagining him ever seeing the inside of a prison. I think the most likely result (if he ever is convicted) is house arrest and yeah, theyā€™ll probably consider the Mar-a-lago golf course his backyard so theyā€™ll allow it :roll_eyes:


Too bad they didnā€™t subpoena Sol Rosenberg.

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