Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

The point is that you were gushing over a movie and then gave it a subpar grade. I once worked with a producer on a project where he gushed over how well I did on a commentary edit and proceeded to give me 100 notes. That’s not my idea of doing a good job. As good a job as he said I did in the preface generally gets no notes, kind of like the review like you gave of that movie deserves an A.

Even I agree the ball was dropped and/or fumbled quite a few times. This was an unprecedented situation. Garland absolutely should have anticipated he was going to run again and beat him to the punch by appointing a special prosecutor before he declared. And there were other things that should’ve happened sooner than they did and still other things that should’ve happened but never did

That said, I agree the timeline isn’t really all that shocking

They waited literally years to charge him.


Isn’t that media company just a better front for bribing Trump than staying at his hotels?

Assume he is elected, I don’t see how the company gains any value by being owned by the president. Hell, if it were any prior president he would be impeached. It’s an absurd situation over a valueless company, whose original founders/conmen have a pending lawsuit because the were out conned by Don.

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I’m sure legal scholars will be debating for years whether Garland sticking to the investigative theory of building a case from the ground up was the wrong way to go. Already many are saying it was and that the J6 committee being miles ahead of the DoJ borders on prosecutorial malpractice. But this is a big reason why it took as long as it did to get to Trump

Arguably the most leeway was granted on the Documents case where he was given multiple opportunities to return items and set the record straight. Mar a Lago was raided on August 8, 2022 and he was charged exactly 10 months later

This has to be a troll post right?

You can’t be actually asking how being president helps the value of a company, right?

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Snap bet you $100 he breeches this and faces no consequence. In?

The entire raison d’etre of Truth Social is that it’s the alt-right version of Twitter where they don’t ban Nazis or Trump tweets, now that Twitter itself is going full Nazi, it’s not clear what TS is even supposed to be for --I guess it’s for the people who think Elon isn’t right-wing enough.

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The biggest institutional investor in the SPAC also owns 15% of the parent company of Tik Toc. Wouldn’t it be nice to be owed a favor by the guy who could veto the “ban” or at least use his bully pulpit to influence who gets to acquire the company if it has to be spun off?

And that is just one scenario.

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I define “over” as a verdict or a mistrial.

As for payment, I guess that’s the problem with arranging bets with a stranger in another country.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but will point out that exactly zero posters ate crow on the many predictions made after Barret was confirmed.

What do you use to transfer money to friends?

They just throw loonies and toonies at each other afaik


Our banking system is way more advanced than yours. We can literally just email money to anyone. No need to setup new accounts or even know anything about them other than their email address. Works at any bank and to any bank.

We are essentially 100% cashless and touch pay. We can even deposit cheques by just taking a photo of them. I think you got the latter at some banks recently.


What is this witchcraft you speak of?




And surely you must pay bank fees of $100 a month for this???


I pay $0 but only because I am lucky enough to carry a decent balance.

Our banks are corrupt like yours and they prey on the poor the same way.