Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

All the Everyman Trumpers that invest are going to get left holding the bag as the truth stock eventually tanks.

It would be awesome if it were to tank within the no trading windows (is there such a think on a SPAC?).

I have friends in IPO startups that were worth north of $10M on paper but crashed prior to the 6 month window opening. They still got out with a some hundreds of thousands but literally saw 95%+ drops.

Trump has a 6 month lock up period, but that can be renegotiated/waived by the Board, and the Board is made up of people with close ties to him, so I would not be shocked if the period gets shortened.

Best we can hope for is the legal annoyances slow down Trumpā€™s campaign, itā€™s totally clear that none of the legal checks and balances that were supposed to save us are going to ever stop him from becoming president just like no one will ever stop Clarence Thomas from openly taking bribes from Nazis.

The stupidest most enraging shit, all the time.


All these people are individually cowards or did they hold a meeting and all decide together that Trump will never be held responsible?

Republicans did have serious talk about this in the immediate aftermath of jan 6. Susan Colins suggested trump learned his lesson and everyone else was like, ā€œyeah youā€™re probably rightā€


Things like this are seldom a coordinated conspiracy, itā€™s much more common (like 99% likely) that this kind of obviously bad outcome arises because the decision makers have structural incentives that are against the public interest, and they all follow the incentives without needing to conspire.


This is just dumb people scamming other dumb people, Iā€™m fine with it.

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Gonna look like a pretty smart investment after he is reelected and directs all government agencies to purchase from DJT co.

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+1 to what mosdef said. To add to that Itā€™s also the fact that the only court that really ultimately matters in these situations is the Supreme Court which is horribly broken as is much of the Federal court system that was filled to the brim with Trump stooges during his term. Then you have the fact our legal system is not designed to hold rich white men accountable.

Simply put the system is full of corruption, partisanship and people Trump appointed. Even your average run of the mill EDem type judge is going to trip over themselves to appear reasonable to a degree that can be taken advantage of.


Is this the same artist that did that Tom Brady sketch

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Actual question on that website:



Trump hugs the flag but he fucks the bible


This is the thing. While the Iron81s and Nunnehis etc of the forum wanna put their fingers in their ears and hum loudly while telling us how weā€™re delusional and everything is working as intended and Trump is definitely about to see all these consequences, it only matters in the sense that IF anything actually ever happens to him, it can only prevent further damage to our country. It doesnā€™t erase all the damage heā€™s done because LOL LAW and LOL America has already allowed so much to go on for so long. Not to mention that IF those consequences ever come, that will be the exception, not the rule. This shit is broken, AlwaysHasBeen.jpeg and Iā€™m gonna take the W here being on team LOL LAW and no consequences and it would take a god damn atomic bomb of consequences for Trump and his associates for me to even consider switching teams.


Susan Collins said he learned his lesson after February 5.

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Itā€™s pretty impressive this is your takeaway. There are exactly two scenarios in play. Trump wins and it all goes away. Trump loses and heā€™s going to be extremely miserable buried in lawsuits for the rest of his life even if he makes it to 100 years old. I donā€™t think anyone here has stated otherwise about all this going away if he wins. Why do you think heā€™s running? Itā€™s not because he wants to be president, unless it can magically make all his problems go away. The Senate clowns could have buried him in the second impeachment but theyā€™re apparently fans of Die Hard, as well.

Just really wild takes tho, thanks.


So Trumpā€™s biggest consequence is that he has to be president for 4 more years? Hopefully his golf game doesnā€™t suffer too much.


Thereā€™s plenty of evidence on what happens when people lose defamation cases, or are found guilty of fraud, or indicted on felony charges (none of which you thought would ever happen a year ago). There are still plenty of extenuating circumstances to be sure, and itā€™s ok to be frustrated by them. But it hasnā€™t played out yet and to think you know for sure how it will, is an opinion of faith imo