Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

These slides are what the marks in this ponzi scheme think VC-funded-startup pitch decks look like.

My pony is IPOing


Also, the Truth company is currently suing a bunch of media companies for supposedly devaluing the biz due to their reporting. I’m sure the defense attorneys are going to be scrutinizing these SEC filings closely.

Trump knows he lost a lawsuit right?

Do we have any information on how many of the DWAC shares are traded?

I.e. if 95% of them are held by insiders and aren’t being traded then the meme traders can hold the price up.


LOL big tent approach, bwahahaha.

These slides are SOLID GOLD JERRY!! Trying so hard to imitate McKinsey, BCG et al, its almost cute. Almost.


Yeah, but there are more rounds coming. Have to work the refs a la Elon.

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Does SCOTUS even have jurisdiction over court rulings in regards to state laws?

There are a few steps to get there, but sure.

I know they can rule a state law unconstitutional, but can they overrule verdicts on valid laws?

Hell, can’t be too hard to go from “those punitive damages for murdering people are too high” to “fuck it Donnie doesn’t have to pay.”

Oh, you sweet summer child.

They can decide any law is invalid whenever the fuck they please.

MS Copilot + Google tell me that if he eventually loses on appeal to the NY Supreme Court, he can petition the US Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari, meaning he’s asking them to review the case. If accepted, they can decide as they will. But our fate will probably be decided before then so whatever.

Things a centrist would tweet for 2000.

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Never forget research shows you’re more ignorant after watching Fox News than not watching any news at all.


Right. That’s what I said. If the criticism is that the state law is unconstitutional, they can step in and rule. But I don’t think they can overrule a state judge’s decision based on valid law. He would have to go to the state supreme court for that