Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Is Sweet summer child running a show on CNN now? Hope it happens I really do

Also I think trump probably would prefer they go after something like trump tower first cuz he thinks his followers will rise up or something

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That chyron tho. Canā€™t get much better than ā€œTrump begsā€

But what is the non-fire sale value, and who set it? Canā€™t they seize one of his golf courses and turn it into a graveyard so Ivana wonā€™t be alone anymore?

In my dream scenario 2/3 of the new conservatives have to step down and Clarence and Sam have to live the rest of their miserable lives in the minority. Of course the old libs retire under D control so there is a solid 5 young liberal majority.

Ah well nevertheless

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What happens if NY seizes properties, sells them and then later Trump wins on appeal? Is he made whole with a check from NY?


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What if pigs start s***ing out gold bricks?

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I guess the more criminality you engage in and surround yourself with, the more outs you pick up when you crime

Step 1 Call Animal Welfareā€”somebody is feeding gold bricks to pigs.

Step 2 Get some rubber gloves.

Step 3 Root around in the pig shit for the gold bricks.

Step 4 Profit!

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I guess the Appeals Court has to come out with something tomorrow or Friday. May as well laugh it up while we can.


This is fun

Feels like this tweet isnā€™t getting enough bling. Heā€™s admitting that he triggered the insurrection and is threatening to do it again. Is that what heā€™s saying?

Iā€™m assuming itā€™s fake

Rubio being talked about as VP

ā€œItā€™s pretty clear from Trumpā€™s orbit that Rubio is in play,ā€ said a veteran Florida GOP operative. ā€œIt makes sense because he checks almost every box if they can get past both being from Florida.ā€

The Constitution prohibits electors from voting for a president and vice president from their own state.

ā€œThe Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves,ā€ Article II, Section I, Clause 3 reads.

But that didnā€™t stop Dick Cheney, a longtime Texan, from changing his residence to Wyoming in 2000 so that he could run with Texan George W. Bush.

Youā€™re doing it wrong. Hereā€™s the correct method

  1. Is Orange Man actually still banging Melania?
  2. LOL no.

Done. Thatā€™s it. It should end long before terror might creep in.

Itā€™s just as absurd to ask if heā€™s banging Taylor Swift. Or Wonder Woman. There is nothing to think about, because of course he isnā€™t.

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Yeah, thatā€™s a bit too presumptuous if you ask me.

Not like my mind went there on purpose!

Iā€™m not sure the job approval surveys are valuable.

I donā€™t approve of the job Biden has done, but Iā€™ll crawl over glass shards to vote for him. I wonder what percentage of disapprovals are like me.


What has Joe Biden done that you disapprove of?