Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I am tired of worrying to death about Trump winning. I’m hoping that on election day, we see red states flip because people are just too tired or scared of Trump.



Internet poisoning + doing it for the lolz + Gaza

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This lady said he’s a billionaire, ofc he has the money. Now not so much but still in there pitching for Trump even after he threw her under the bus.

Honestly while a landslide would be fun, it’s probably bad for the Democrats because they’d interpret it like everything they’re doing is just hunky dory and they can coast in 2028, and not because they ran against the biggest moron POS ever.

Biden winning a nail-biter would at least signal that they have to get their fucking shit together for next time around, when Biden and presumably Trump are completely out of the picture.

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I’m not optimistic that a nail biter would motivate what you say. I think they’d say things are too far to the edge to think about reform. There is always a reason to maintain the status quo.

So having said that, I would rather a landslide that humiliates Trump by flipping states no one thought would go blue.


Haven’t heard AOC’s name in a while, when is she running for president?

Once we lost the bot it’s almost like AOC ceased to exist

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Problem is trump can’t afford the best legal brains because none of them will work for him.

Don’t want to click it or link it, but the headline is interesting

Real article probably says, ‘Donald Trump will not pay bond – and instead may let Letitia James seize Trump Tower: sirs say’

Hahaha in my dream world this could get fun in a hurry. 40 Wall Street is already with a special servicer so there could be no equity there. Looks like Trump tower is levered up too, lololol she might just wreck his whole stupid “empire.”

I guess I don’t know what she means by “top her list”. Because there’s not much value there? Significant emotional impact though.

Can she seize Bedminster? Can they go out of state? What about Turnberry?

Levine talked about this. There is a lockup on his shares, but that lockup could be waived by the company. Which would be UNIMAGINABLE for a normal post-IPO company (haha suckers we promised that insiders wouldn’t sell shares - PSYCHE), but would be completely in-line with how things work in Trump world.

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Losing Mar-a-Lago is the one thing that might genuinely soul crush him.


So…yeah, I’m just not acclimated to this at all. Not at all. This casual discussion of adversarial foreign powers purchasing control of the US presidential front-runner. What the fuck.

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Watch Trump somehow wriggle his way out of losing Bedminster because he buried Ivana there (many people are saying it’s the most beautiful dirt patch grave they’ve seen, really in the world, the best) and there’s some LOL law thing keeping the property from being seized. Wife corpse law or something, probably next to the law that spurred him to put goats there and call it a farm or whatever the fuck that was.


My idea of a landslide is one that flips Florida and Texas Senate? Would it be bad if Dems got a trifecta with enough votes to kill the filibuster? Bonus points if the shock gives Thomas and Alito fatal heart attacks.

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