Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

The “debt obtained through fraud” has already been paid back AFAIK. A judgement against you for committing fraud is something completely different.

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I have no idea why he is so unpopular except for the fact that our MSM is beyond terrible. He’s arguably achieved more than most presidents have by this time in their term and has done so in an extremely hostile political climate

Trump ran unopposed in FL and got 81% of the vote. If that happened to Biden it would be front page news and all MSM would be talking about for days

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Panic mode!


No way she puts up with that anymore.

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Can it be erased by declaring bankruptcy?

Possible SSC… pure, uncut hopium incoming…

I really think Trump will lose decisively in November. He has his base, and they’ll turn out…. But he’s a known quantity by now. People have made up their minds. There is no voter he didn’t reach in 2020 that will turn out for him now. And he didn’t have enough in 2020.

Nobody is saying, “Well, I didn’t like Trump in 2020, but after watching how he’s handled himself since, I’m going to give him a shot in 2024.” That person doesn’t exist. 40% of voters vote red, and 40% vote blue…. That’s never changing, no matter who the candidates are. It’s that middle 20% that swings one way or another, and that’s what tips elections. And Trump has made ZERO inroads with them since he ALREADY didn’t have enough in 2020.

Practically every election since 2018 has demonstrated that there is an anti-MAGA majority in this country. Whenever Trump backs a candidate, or puts his thumb on the scale in an election, they lose more often than not. Even when the polls were close. Even when the media narrative is trumpeting a red wave.

Along those lines, I think polling is broken, and not indicative of anything. They’re debatably meaningless this far out. I think there’s major selection bias, that the sample of people responding to polls aren’t an accurate representation of the sample of voters.

Anyone following political news or current events is subjected to the Trump Show 24/7. What wacky thing did he say today? What’s the latest on his legal troubles?

Not to ascribe too much game theory to the Biden camp, but I think it’s a deliberate choice they’ve made to have Trump in the news every day, while the business of running the country hums along.


We’ve got the media we deserve. They are putting out stories and coverage that generates engagement with their audience. They aren’t putting out negative framing and only reporting on controversy because they think it’s an objective way to report. It’s because it makes them money and enough people stay engaged. Blaming the media is a cop out.

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I essentially believed “There is no voter he didn’t reach in 2016 that will turn out for him now” in 2020.

Then he got 11 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.


Lawtwitter says Nyet. Can’t be discharged.

But is there a loophole somewhere?

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The fraud exception for dischargeability of debts within bankruptcy is usually for debts where fraud was committed to obtain the underlying debt. Not judgments for fraud. That being said I really don’t know what the case law looks like for this situation as it is obviously very rare. If it isnt settled law then it will be up to the LOLCOURTS to decide should he file.

As Trump and his legal team wait to see whether an appeals court will pause the judgment as he appeals it, or allow him to pay a smaller bond of $100 million, he has privately expressed opposition to any path concerning filing for bankruptcy, and it remains the least likely for now, one person familiar with the talks told CNN.


What’s happening with this Trump Media merger? Does he have any outs via that?

Currently held up in court and even if it closes I think there is a restriction that he can’t sell his shares for six months, so not a short-term solution.

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I agree with all that. The only thing you left out is voter turnout. People were highly motivated to turn out in 2020. If Dems and young don’t turn out this time, it could definitely hurt imo

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‘Republicans Aren’t Turning Out For Trump Like They Used To, And This Is Why That’s Bad For Biden’



Some polls show Trump winning the youngest voters. Insanity.

if the judgement is against the trump org it doesn’t sound like bankruptcy is an out?

I always thought he’d go out like Pris in Blade Runner. I still don’t know who’s playing Deckard though.