Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Melania witholding endorsement for now.


He leads in every single poll and has a higher favourability than Biden. Interesting if he is hated by everyone!

lol “stay tuned” to the No Channel for more of your favorites, like “Absolutely Not” and “Fuck That”.

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She must have one hell of a prenup to still be married.

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She might be on the waiting for the check to clear channel.


He lost in 2020 and he will lose again.

I hope you are right and not just another version of these guys.

It’s completely baffling to me how you continue to think Trump is stronger than he was in 2020. He’s not. He’s not in office. His cronies lost everywhere in 2022 where they could make a difference in a scheme similar to what he tried in 2020. There’s no mechanism for him, he just has to go on popularity. He ain’t got more popularity than he did then and he didn’t even have enough popularity to win the popular vote in 2016. He has also been napalm on the Republican party’s chances of every red wave they thought they had. Dems would have a trifecta if New York Democrats were even remotely incompetent (pun intended) in 2022.

The amount of people over who previously voted for him in 2016 did so because they wanted Covid over and no more regulations. It was nothing to do with him becoming more popular from election 1 to election 2. Biden is unpopular with the left of all stripes. Do you think the left of all stripes is going to use that unpopularity to vote for Trump instead just to ‘show everyone’? Come on.

We’re still at the moment in the last election where Trump was expected to win handily after the sham impeachment. Then Covid officially happened after they knew he was already botching it during the impeachment trial when they still could have done something to stop him. Trump has not gained anything in the polls. He’s still sitting right at the 42% he’s sat at in most polls since 2018. One thing you can know for certain is that if a person is still supporting Trump in 2024, they cannot be bent any other way than supporting Trump…period (him declaring bankruptcy might be the one exception). Plus, the polls are wrong. Take that as a given.


Hope those of you so sure Trump will lose are backing the truck up on Biden. He is still a fairly large dog in places you can get big money down.

Yes Trump is less popular than in 2020 and 2016. His opponent is even less popular, basically historically so and trending the wrong direction:

Also Trump is higher than 42% where it matters:

The betting line on Dems in general(Where you don’t even have to fade a Biden death or incapacitation) is 1-2 states below winning:

In “direction of country” he lags Trump’s term by a wide margin outside of the covid and George Floyd era where you had people extremely pissed off on both sides:

I’m not going to claim to know what will happen but there is basically zero actual evidence to claim Trump isn’t the favorite right now.


How’s your track record been on predicting elections the last 4 years?

Bet Biden big in 2020 and I said I have no idea what will happen this time. I made no predictions otherwise. It’s better than just making up that this was the point Trump was also crushing in 2020:

My point is, other than pure wishcasting, there is nothing that can be pointed to at the moment to say Trump will lose. Much less basically calling it a lock.

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And to be clear my personal opinion is that Trump has the problems you say. I think and hope that will hurt him and he certainly could lose. But typically incumbents who are as unpopular as Biden don’t win. A generic R(well those don’t really exist anymore, but if they did) like Romney likely wipes the floor with Biden. Biden only has a chance because Trump is so horrible. And vice versa.

This entire post is pure fantasy wish casting. The polls are hard data. He is further ahead today than he was in 2016 and he is far more popular.

Saying the polls are wrong is quite the take. I’ll take scientific data over made up narrative thanks.

It’s impossible for people like us to truly understand how fucking awful the media is and how massive the structural disadvantages are for democrats. Trump goes out every night saying the most batshit insane shit literally any American politician has ever said and the coverage is “fiery Trump and Biden is old.” It’s bad man, really fucking bad, and college educated is like 1/3 of the country (and most college grads I know are idiots).




Y’all are sleeping hard on the Mike Pence non-endorsement. That by itself is a hard jab, if Haley follows suit then that is a knock out blow. Game over.


It’s like summer camp at UP.

So many sweet summer children in this forum.

Repubs could not care less who Haley endorses. They ain’t voting for Biden.


Does Haley even want to be Trump’s VP? From where I’m sitting, there is a high likelihood she is pulling a reverse Sinema. Taking corporate bribes to screw over the Trumpian right.

I haven’t seen mentioned how Biden figures to outspend Trump by a lot this time around. That might be important with Trump depleting his over taxed base and using the RNC as his personal piggy bank to pay his legal fees. Big difference from 2016 and 2020

Also, I saw a recent poll that showed Trump at 29% favorable and 59% unfavorable. This is a race to the bottom, not the top

I’ll keep saying this until the election, but if he wins there will never be accountability. If he loses, there absolutely will. There is no reason to think he’s any more powerful now than he was when president. He’s much weaker and diminished. That’s why he’s getting louder and louder