Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

We both know he doesn’t have the money, but he won’t admit it. That’s why I said ‘means’. if he declares bankruptcy he’s actually way more broke than we think.




He made Florida his primary residence so the first thing they should seize is that hidious penthouse in Trump tower and all its contents.

I mean, I just assume all of his assets are held in a convoluted morass of LLCs and trusts, and he has very little in his personal name that can be seized by the state to satisfy a judgment

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He’s not that smart (plus he loves to put his name on his stuff) - most of his assets are in his name or the Trump Org. That’s the whole NYAG lawsuit - that he overstated Trump Org. assets. Pretty easy to start with Trump towers and then the Bedminster golf course.

Plus the NYAG hates Trump. I expect her to go after the highest profile assets in the state if she gets the chance.

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i’ve thought about the “trump is the oj of white people” thing for a while, and it’s going to be the greatest vindication of that theory when the night trump loses the election, he flees the country


I hope I’m wrong but the NY AG seizing Trump Tower and Bedminster is not something I see happening. It would be great if it did.


A lot of talk of bankruptcy and seizing of things in this thread compared to likelihood of those things


LOL hopium but for some reason I’ve got it today. An actual consequence! TRUMP TOWER SEIZED! “Oh really, has that happened yet?” argues the entire rest of my brain but you know what - I’m going to fantasize about it for a while.

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Tish James doesn’t give a fuck. She can’t wait to enforce this judgment in the most humiliating way possible. I suppose some court could save him but it’s sure as shit not going to be a NY state court and there is absolutely zero basis for a federal court to even have jurisdiction to hear some bullshit Trump delay tactic. Paging summer child meme


This. The law and more importantly the process is hugely stacked in favor of the government here. Pretty sure all she has to do is take the judgment to a NY court and get an order to seize the property. Then NY cops can affect that order. Trump can challenge in court, but can’t stop the actual seizure. It’s also a slow process as he’d almost certainly have to go first to NY state courts and they aren’t going to move fast to help him.

So if she wants to do it, there isn’t much to stop here once the order is final.

I mean ok but there’s always some unanticipated legal loophole bullshit. Maybe his stay request will granted or bond requirement modified for whatever reason.


Reminder you CANNOT

Run for president if you led an insurrection
Take money fro foreign governments as president
Run a business as president
Politicize the DOJ
Obstruct an investigation into yourself
Abuse the pardon power
Fire whistleblowers
Steal classified documents

Shall I go on?


I think he pretty clearly has $500 million in net worth. Between the Wall Street office building, Trump tower apartment, bedminster golf course and mar a lago he has the net worth to pay. Not to mention his minority stake with Vornado in trophy SF office towers. I think the most likely outcome is assets are sized to pay the judgment, but I suppose some extremely rich person could “loan” him the money. But even really really rich people probably don’t want to just give away $500 million to a guy with zero loyalty. Like it would be a good investment under normal circumstances in a guy who is a coin flip to be president then dictator but not Trump who will only ever demand more.

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