Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

He also truthed out this today:


Yes, I remember mid-March 2020 being a great time where nothing bad happened.


So trump is not a billionaire.

Please yes

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Unknown. His gallery seemed small, if enthusiastic.

He still has a week to come up with the money. Has he tried loan sharks? I hear they offer reasonable terms.

Can’t wait for sheriffs or Marshalls to take his golf clubs to pay his debt.

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Seems like a great time for MBS to come knocking with airplanes full of cash in exchange for a top cabinet position when Trump becomes president.

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Judge gonna say, ‘You had me til you said countless hours’.

Hoooooo boy would that be glorious just as he’s getting into the campaign.

Can’t wait to hear- “ He filed bankruptcy because that’s what smart business people do.”


Bankruptcy will be the thing that tips him over and that’s why he won’t do it. Just like he won’t ever plea bargain. They’ll flee like rats from a ship if he declares bankruptcy. It happens to every high profile rich person whoever had the public on their side who had a criminal case. As long as they have that money and power, those people stay. But once they’re in true weakness after going through bankruptcy or finding out they’re actually broke ($454 million is nothing to our billionaire), they’re like, hmm, maybe he did all that stuff after all. If he declares bankruptcy before the election, he will lose and lose way worse than he’s already going to lose. If he declares bankruptcy, he is absolutely ‘broke’, and won’t use it the way almost anyone else would in his situation.


Trump has asked a New York appellate court to waive the bond requirement while he appeals the judgment, arguing that paying now would cause him irreparable harm. If the court turns down his request and he is unable to obtain a bond, New York Attorney General Letitia James, who sued Trump in 2022, could begin enforcing the judgment at the beginning of next week. James, a Democrat, has said that if Trump can’t come up with the money, she will look to seize his assets.

In another sworn statement filed with the appeals court on Monday, the general counsel for the Trump Organization said the company worked with four separate brokers and reached out to 30 suretors. One suretor, Chubb, considered issuing a bond in exchange for a mix of cash and real estate as collateral, he said. But ultimately, he said, Chubb balked at a deal, stating within this past week that it would only accept cash as collateral.


I don’t believe there is anything that could complete this sentence that would make it true for any “they” you might be referring to re: Trump.

they’re like, hmm, maybe he did all that stuff after all.

This feels like some sweet summer child stuff. Nobody who is yanking that lever for him is ever saying this.

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So a while for appellate decision then Supreme Court that says eh he doesn’t have to put up the money?

You should really look into some historical allegories and you’ll see this is true. I’m in development/production co-producing a documentary and TV show about probably the biggest one that ever happened. This guy’s money put us where we are politically today but by 10 years after his last trial related victory, public opinion on him had completely flipped. Why? Because he went broke. Same thing happened to O.J. Simpson.

The guy I’m talking about had almost a 90 percent public sentiment on his side during the events, despite being very clearly guilty of the crimes he committed that he got away with. You’d be hard pressed to find 10 percent of people who feel the same way today who lived through it then. Let’s just say if this guy was convicted of his crimes, we wouldn’t be living in the world we do today to give you an idea of his impact.


Wait, public opinion changed on OJ Simpson because he…. went broke? I thought maybe it was something else.


Many rats have already fled the ship. Suburban counties swung pretty hard blue between 2016 and 2020.

You should go back and find when public opinion on O.J. changed. It was definitely not right after he won his criminal case. It was also not right after he lost the civil trial. But it certainly was after he declared bankruptcy.

I’ll take your word for it, but I feel that at least anecdotally, it felt like public opinion changed gradually over time. Facts kept coming out about how badly the prosecution actually fucked up, how dumb the jurors were when considering some of the evidence (some of them found the DNA stuff “boring” so they disregarded it lol), and just how obviously guilty he was.

Some of that came out before the civil trial, some of it during, whatever. But since people weren’t glued to the TV anymore like they were during the original trial, I feel like it took a long time for the sentiment to spread out among everyone that this guy was 100% guilty and a total piece of shit.