Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Yes, they did.

Whatshername had to do a quick correction, said it was unintentional.


The only options are justice within the legal system, extralegal justice, or no justice at all. Itā€™s understandable if people are desperate to believe in the first because they cannot countenance the latter two.

A strong legal system and the rule of law is one of the underpinnings of Western Civilization. That will be in place regardless of the result of the Trump cases, unless the edge lords succeed in destroying faith in the system for the lolz.

Like, my soul is so tired. And I donā€™t know if Iā€™m so much a warrior now as out of fucks, man. Iā€™m out of fucks.ā€

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I think itā€™s really simple. If Trump wins and manages to dismantle our institutions then all these lol law, commodus.gif, and nothing matters people wonā€™t look so silly after all. However should he lose, thereā€™s really nothing to stop the slow wheels of justice from grinding him to a pulp

How is there nothing to stop it?

Stopping it will be his massive cult fanbase, a real threat of civil war, a feckless legal system that has failed the past four years, a corrupt SCOTUS, pathetic dems who will call for unity, the fact that nobody super rich or famous ever faces justice in the US, his general fame ect.

You think all this goes away on Nov 6 in the highly unlikely event he loses? He will just run for a third time.

You have fallen in the world justice index every year since 2016 from 19th globally to 26 today. Itā€™s not edge lords. Itā€™s data. Even pre-Trump you had a pretty shitty justice system by the standards of democratic nations and itā€™s only gotten worse every year.

The continual reliance on the courts to save you allows people to do nothing else to stop trump because you can think ā€œthe legal system will deal with himā€. Itā€™s designed to create complacency.

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You forgot one. A corrupt and feckless political system. I agree we have a feckless AG and a corrupt SCOTUS that has brought us dangerously close to becoming a very new and frightening US of A. And if he wins reelection there will likely never be accountability

Garland made a huge miscalculation in bending over backwards to avoid the appearance of partisanship and thinking the rule of law would prevail. Dems now need to crush at the ballot box in just about every election to save democracy. If we donā€™t, then I agree with you

This part I at least donā€™t think we have to worry about. I mean this time around, Iā€™m not letting myself get fooled again, and taking all the talk of his almost certain impending mental collapse with an enormous grain of salt. But four more years on top of that is enormous at his age and I really think thereā€™s ~0% chance heā€™s viable as a candidate at all in 2028.

No, but his kids or cronies will be

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Let his kids run, they are failsons to a T and will do horribly.


Old man Trump is on a roll today.

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The way the idiots in the background eat his shit up is so, so nauseating.


The republicans turned over their entire party structure to this guy.


Yeah and unfortunately, itā€™s gonna work out for them

Looks like it took you a while to come around, but glad you made it!


I mean yeahā€¦ Garland turned out to be a gelatinous wonk not up to the task

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I think it may have long term repercussions for them down ticket.

Havenā€™t Republicans been underperforming every election since 2018?