Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

In general I agree with you but I think this time might be the exception. Barring Trump’s death (very possible) or Trump suddenly becoming something other than a complete narcissist (not possible) explain what DeSantis’s path to the White House is here exactly? The only two outcomes to running this cycle are both quite bad for his longer term political prospects within the GOP. Somehow threading the needle between beating Trump while being labeled a swamp creature, pedo, election thief, etc during and after to the primary by half of the GOP voters to victory in November? I don’t see it.

“He’s a loser, he lost in 2018, he got cheated in 2020 but would have lost even worse if he wasn’t, everyone he endorsed in 2022 lost. Vote for me, I’m a winner, we’ll never lose again if you elect me” is MR’s only path. Whether he has it in him IDK. He still has like 6 months to declare. 6 long, long months.

It may also be possible that this can simultaneously be his best shot and have very little actual white house equity.



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Because why would they?

No rush

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Well it is Tuesday. Time to wrap it up.

Lol Churchill. Maybe next week.

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Two weeks…

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christie is an important prior for desantis. once you start running, under no circumstances can you throw in the towel and endorse trmp. it will be public humiliation.

running for president in general is an awful decision for your personal life, so i guess that’s true

it worked for joe biden. it didn’t work for hilary or gore.

but you are right. i think trmp probably runs every cycle to a loss from here on out. the grift is too good.

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Dead girl or live boy.

Or literal self-destruction (e.g. heart attack, stroke, etc).

I’m curious to see what FNC’s coverage will look like during the run up.

No less a Trump sycophant than Hannity was trying to run interference for Meatball and getting shut down. They’re going to try like hell to get Ron past the post, and then fall the fuck in line when Trump tells them to.

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I think this has already happened. They were pushing him pretty hard earlier this year. Meatball did nothing with his early lead and has now lost it. All the clips and news I’ve seen recently show them pivoting back to Trump.

I know it’s early, but it’s starting to get tough to see a path to the nomination for DeSantis.





Goes back to my thought process last year. They had a window after the midterms. If nothing happened between mid terms election and year end

Nothing will ever happen

Nothing happened

Nothing will ever happen.

Remind me never to sign up for a grand jury