Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

And what exactly would that offensive strategy look like? Every single person who tried to get in the mud with Trump in 2016 got obliterated. I think DeSantis is doing the right thing by laying low and waiting to see if Trump self destructs imo

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What would Trump self destructing look like? Access Hollywood? Mishandling of classified information? Multiple felony indictments?

DeSantis will have to go on offense at some point in the campaign. Although I think any poll gazing now is silly. Americans have an attention span of about 14 seconds. He does just need to sort of bide his time, solidify himself as the only viable candidate other than Trump, then at some point close to the election time try to convince the Trump base that he can deliver the things Trump failed on.

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I agree with this. But for now, I think his strategy is sound. As for what self destruction looks like, who knows? The guy could die in the next few months. Or multiple indictments, etc. But I think there’s a very real possibility that once the federal indictments get under way, there’s going to be more details about his crimes that will hurt him with Independents and however few Republicans who are left with any morals



You’ve described like 9 people.


I think I’d start by asking Trump which makeup foundations provide the least skin irritation?

What have we all learned about “X must do Y” headlines?

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DeSantis has to go on offense, never punt, and onside every time he scores to have a 2% chance to win. The issue is that his blowout risk skyrockets adopting this approach and he could immolate his career. He seems like a coward, so I think he will just lose as quietly as possible.

Lay low, try not to get destroyed by Trump, pray that something else takes him out.

Lots of ex wives and prosecutors rueing the ‘wait for fatass to finally keel over’ strategy.

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desantis knows that if he is second favorite in 24, he’ll be favored in ‘28. he’s going to jump on the opportunity if trmp croaks, but he’s not about to damage his chances by openly fighting maga


That plan didn’t work out so hot for Chris Christie. A lot can change in 4 years.

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It really doesn’t make sense for DeSantis to run this cycle. The two most likely outcomes are that Trump Rubios him and that ends his national election aspirations for life or he somehow beats Trump and Trump claims he was cheated and MAGAs stay home in November.


waiting for your opportunity to run for president with a clear field is a mug’s game


An ageist attack that Trump is old.

I swear I thought CNN has been running this “Pence must testify” headline once a week for the last month

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Sitting on the sidelines when its “your time” has never worked for any national politician imo, meatball ron would be crazy to sit out now. And god, I honestly think TFG could lose against joe in 2024 and then fucking run again for 2028.


Meatball’s time is here and now.


I’m taking some shats today.*k9I77XXn9IrLQWIT4Bd_Ew.gif