Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

The only window for Trump consequences was the days after 1/6. Once he skated through that, there will never never be any consequences for him.

I mean, there would be, but the Manhattan grand jury had brunch plans. Ah, well, nevertheless.

This is bullshit. If I want Mammoth meat I want a fully grown mammoth sent to the packing plant. Just like God intended.

Ok, Fred Flintstone. Donā€™t tip your car over.

Itā€™s a living!


What the fuck? I canā€™t believe Iā€™m asking for a Law Bro take on this but like, how much fucking evidence does there need to be to indict on a charge of an illegal hush money payment? It seems like this is something you could start in the morning and have wrapped up by lunch time. A fucking month? Lol Law. Please give me some explanation for this other than some DA just trying to milk this cow in an effort to justify some bloated salary.

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How hard is it to show that INDIVIDUAL 1 is probably trump. His co conspirator went to jail for the same shit already. ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ

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Just as a thought exercise how many truly rich and powerful white men have gotten got by the USA #1 legal system? Then think how easy it is to lock up a black guy for selling small amounts of drugs or whatever and how many millions of them have been incarcerated. I mean I get most of us know this but the fact itā€™s still being discussed here as if Trump is just one more legal proceeding away from consequences tells me maybe that isnā€™t the case.

The idea Trump was ever getting taken down by our legal system is a total pipe dream held by naive morons.

You get got if your victims are other rich people.

You decidedly do not ever get got otherwise.


Even if your mammoth is still kicking when it gets there, it might not be so tasty once the meat processing plant gets done with it. I base this on the Kirkland meatballs I tried. They were disappointing. Not bad, just barely ok.


Add in the fact that to become a rich and powerful white man you almost have to either be a criminal or a descendant of one (or both) and it becomes even more obvious.

We need 100% grass fed Waygu mammoth!


I donā€™t fully understand the delay either, but here is the law bro explaination:

Based on the public reporting (which could be wrong, and is almost certainly incomplete), the main charge they are looking at it falsifying business records related to the payments. So, you arenā€™t just proving that a hush money payment took place, you also need to establish other details (for example, that the thing the Trump Organization recorded as legal fees to Michael Cohen was really the hush money payment, who was responsible for recording it that way, etc.)

Also, in order for the falsification charge to be a felony (instead of just a misdemeanor), it has to have taken place in connection with another crime. In this case, it seems like the DA wants to argue that the other crime was a campaign finance violation. If that is the case, you need to establish the motive behind the payment. My gut tells me that this may be the hardest thing to prove conclusively because (1) there can often be multiple reasons for a particular behavior and (2) people are rarely perfectly explicit when saying why they did a particular thing (and very likely to lie about it if the lie can influence the length of a jail sentence). It would not surprise me at all if the DA feels that this part of the case is still a little shaky and is looking to lock it down with more evidence or additional testimony.


Right on. Trump could open a Kratom CBD store right on 5th Avenue and I donā€™t think anyone would care.

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Maybe my take is totally off, but I think thereā€™s nothing really wrong with the case, except somebody somewhere has decided this really isnā€™t the best one to start with if thereā€™s going to be a parade of indictments against Trump. Next, weā€™ll learn that there really wonā€™t be a parade of indictments after all.

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Cohen is already in jail for this. How hard is it to transfer that to INDIVIDUAL 1

Lawbros have an excuse for everything. Theyā€™re like Republicans and school shootings, endless mental gymnastics to avoid reaching the obvious truth that their world view is a joke.


itā€™s not the same office (Cohen was Federal, Trump is State), so itā€™s not quite a one for one substitution in terms of the charges you are bringing and what you need to prove. Also, in terms of being able to prove the case, Cohen was closer to the conduct (he actually cut the check to Stormy), so you could prove what he did more directly. Trump was more removed, so you need more witness testimony [and, in this case most of the people who would be testifying are scumbags, so youā€™d ideally want each part of the case to be backed up in several ways, and not dependent on the word of one scumbag].

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Remember too that Trump and his failson signed the checks

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