Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Ya, I think that flowchart is interesting so I appreciate you posting. I just think most of what the mainstream media and even the LOLLAW media is putting out is purely to get clicks and/or coping mechanisms. Has discovery even happened in any of these cases? There will likely be motions related to that and possibly appeals. And then when you do finally get to the pretrial phase there will be another round of motions and possibly appeals related to what evidence can be presented at trial, etc.

There is a reason often times trials happen years and years after the initial indictment. Partially because the defendant has every reason to attempt it (you stay out of jail/prison) and partially because in any complicated/novel case there are going to be lots of things to argue about long before you ever get in front of a jury.

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Would give Trump a boost if a criminal case went to trial before the election and a couple of Trumpy jurors let him off. Therefore it was optimal for ELECTION INTERFERENCE purposes to bring these cases late and just have them hanging over Trump’s head on November regardless. Drown him in legal bills and creates a cloud of guilt but takes the variance of loljuries out of it.

Y’all playing checkers, Garland is playing chess.

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Pack it up guys. It [the election] is the cancel culture, stupid.

Google search verified. Unless they’re selling counterfeits.

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this fucking guy


How many inappropriate things do you think Trump has said to Abbott about his being in a wheelchair?

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I’m pretty sure the only times I’ve seen Abbott in a wheelchair are photo ops with Trump. It’s almost like Trump is trolling him, which would be fucking great.

Yeah he “Truthed” several pictures that really seemed to serve no purpose other than to feature Greg Abbott in a wheelchair.

I would bet good money that Trump has greeted Greg Abbott with “No, no, don’t get up!” at least once and possibly says it every time he encounters him.


I feel like I should get mad about that but I just can’t. I don’t have it in me. Fuck that guy.

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Yeah in a general sense the idea that a shitload of absolutely horrible people put up with a constant boatload of shit from the worst person ever is pleasing to me.


Has Abbott every voiced any Presidential aspirations? I could imagine him understanding that being in a wheelchair is probably insurmountable. On the other hand, I could also imagine him being extremely delusional.



Man who doesn’t have the cash wants to know where woman got cash.


props to the man for spelling embbarasment correctly. I never get that right.


A rare moment of honesty from the compulsive liar.

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If it’s any consolation (and it is for me), his life is considerably worse now after having been president. His eternal and deep narcissistic shame must be hitting all time highs.


We got him!


Just the biggest brain


Yeah but Biden talks slow cuz he stuttered as a kid