Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition




All four?

Heā€™ll prolly be out with a fundraiser soon enough. Plus whatever other possible loans/future promised bribery results. Anything that doesnā€™t actually include losing his own assets.

No sarcasm, this fundraiser brought in more than I expected. Sarcasm: maybe someone will step in at the last moment to quadruple match or whatever to put it over the top.

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This is fantastic, Trump is going to vacuum up all of the GOPā€™s small donor fundraising.



Unfortunately the GOP has like a dozen billionaires that could each single-handedly bankroll all their funding needs.

Elon? MBS? Putin?

Why am I watching this GA hearing like a sicko? If the main trial ever goes forward, Iā€™m gonna have to clear my calendar for a month


How the heck is that thing still going on??

I think the certification and maybe the inauguration of the president are in the constitution. But is the election date? Could Biden postpone the election until after the J6 trial?

Dumb question, I know. But Iā€™ve heard all kinds of other implausible scenarios, but nothing about postponing the election

And one last questionā€¦ Are we so sure that this SCOTUS crap is a bad thing? Granted, a verdict almost certainly wonā€™t come until after the election, but if itā€™s going on in September and August all his crimes will be in the news 24/7. Does that help or hurt his reelection chances?

Wiki says thereā€™s no fixed date for the election in the constitution. By federal law, itā€™s set to take place on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Congress would have to act to postpone it. The constitution still requires the previous guy be out on January 20th though, and if at that point no one has won an election, the Speaker of the House would be president. There was some talk about in '20 because of COVID.

IMO SC stuff is bad, 100%. But Iā€™ve also said it will hurt him if trials have at least started and evidence against him is coming out before the election.

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Imagine how much more coverage his crimes will get if heā€™s re-elected! Probably the best outcome



When he was first indicted (9 months ago now) I was pretty adamant there would not be a trial prior to the election for the exact reasons we are seeing. Endless delay is a very real part of the LOL criminal justice system. Now that it is March and almost nothing has happened in any of these cases it should be obvious we arenā€™t even close to having an actual jury trial in any of the important criminal cases. The Stormy Daniels case has some chance I guess but that one has very little chance of having any real consequences.

Then you have the fact that even if there is ever a trial in any of these cases you need a unanimous jury. Which will require running super hot to not end up with a single Trump supporter on the jury.

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So at the absolute most optimistic we are looking at right before the election now? Thatā€™s never happening. The original trial dates requested by the prosecution were for March right? There will be a million ways to delay these trials. The pretrial motion phase is going to be an absolute nightmare in all of these cases with a very real chance trial is delayed to wait on appellate court rulings/SC rulings.

My impression is both those paths are optimistic, but not wildly so. I mean this is just from following what people are saying so :man_shrugging: