Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

This is a pretty good way to troll him, it seems.




How long did it take the SC to fuck Gore over? That’s warp speed, this is bullshit.


December 8: FL Supreme Court Ruling, statewide manual recount ordered
December 9: Bush emergency request, SCOTUS issues stay
December 11: Oral arguments
December 12: SCOTUS delivers opinion


Warp. Speed.


For those that forget, the STATES RIGHTS party stopped a recount ordered by the state Supreme Court (because Gore was going to win).


Pretty in depth article

Every time I see Bush v. Gore mentioned, I go down exactly the same rabbit hole of trying to remember whether Gore actually would have won if SCOTUS had ruled differently. And I end up thinking he still would have lost, but not being entirely sure because of all of the different hypotheticals and counterfactuals involved, and then I forget the whole thing so that when the topic comes up again I go through exactly the same process. (Like I just did, again.)


Gore won Florida

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While it’s still fresh in my memory, I think the only hypothetical world in which Gore won Florida is if they did a full recount of both undervote and overvote ballots. But that’s not what the Florida SC ordered (and what SCOTUS stopped). They (Florida SC) ordered a full recount of all undervotes. The post-election studies that I’ve seen generally conclude that Bush would have won under that standard.

So I think it’s possible to simultaneously believe that more people in Florida entered the poll booth with an intention to vote for Gore than Bush, but also that the SCOTUS ruling did not change the outcome because even under Florida’s SC directive, Bush probably still wins.

So then Gore effed up by cherry picking and the Florida SC effed up by saying to recount only undervotes and not every ballot (I never knew the Florida SC recount ruling was that after all these years). Amazing. These days have nothing on the incompetence of back then when it could have mattered. All of this was supposedly about an arbitrary deadline to protect the ‘norms’ of a presidential transition that could not be moved due to a hand recount taking too long (no intent to get the result right). As I’ve said since December 12, 2000, Bush was elected by a vote of 5-4 and he didn’t even acknowledge the other side’s grievance when he ‘won’. GJGE by everyone involved, especially Gore.

Anytime the conservatives invoke the equal protection clause in a ruling you know they’re just doing maximum trolling.

The more someone in politics talks about their principles, like they’re just innocent victims of their sincerely held beliefs, the more I know they’re completely full of shit weasels who can’t be trusted.

Two decrepit old men yelling insults at one another across the bar except one gets the nuclear football at the end of the night,

Wow $500 in legal judgments?

Using AI to generate “Trump on trial”


Whatever works best for you, Mr. President sir.

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