Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition



That one is a thinker.

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I bear no responsibility if you decide to listen to this:

I saw Ted Nugent open for REO Speedwagon and I wish he wasn’t such a shit head because it was legit pretty good.

Thats wayyyyyyyy too many notes, Ted

Jfc, its longer than Whitney’s version

Did it breathe fire?


O say canyousee
By the dawn’s 5 second guitar solo
What so prowowowedly we hailed
Atthetwilightslastgleaming 10 second guitar solo

O’er the land of the free ridiculous feedback
And the home screeching
Of the brave
incomprehensible notes for 20 seconds


Not going looking for the thread but it was a FUCKING COUP ATTEMPT

nevertheless as always

Conspiracy “to obstruct an official proceeding” sounds relatively tame.

It’s possible that when the shit finally hits the fan, the end charges will be more ominous, for more people, (and he himself will be more screwed), than any of us ever imagined to this point

To those thinking that judges waiving attorney/client privileges and turning lawyers into witnesses are, “nevertheless” moments, with all due respect… I think you have lost your freaking minds imho

That “nevertheless” tweet is 6.5 years old. So the thought of him suffering any consequences has been a joke for even longer than that.

Maybe I’ve “lost my freaking mind”, but I’m sticking with the side that’s been undefeated for my entire life.


I have some hope but that said I will believe it when I see it.



The choice is made!

Stealing @econophile pic:


Eternal cosmic beings observing Earth for the first 4.3 or so billion years saying, “There ain’t never gonna be no talking bipedal apes on this here planet”, would’ve had a much longer streak of being undefeated. They also would’ve been just as wrong. The past doesn’t equal the future

Whatever indictment odds are at this moment, the idea that “the end charges will be more ominous, for more people, (and he himself will be more screwed), than any of us ever imagined to this point” is some insanely wishful thinking.

Everything points to a more narrow and technical sounding indictment if any that further drives the narrative Trump is the victim of a political hit. Bringing charges against a former president that don’t stick would be one of the most disgracing events of someone’s career.

Remember Mueller? The scope grew, and grew.

The report finally materialized and proved barely anything, and what they did prove was redacted and/or spun by Trump. The most damning parts had long been leaked, and were old news—presumably the same is the case now across so many different investigations.

And besides, the most clear cut fuckery we’ve got on Trump by far—withholding military aid to Ukraine in hopes to have them announce an investigation into Hunter Biden—has already been adjudicated and is ancient history. In reality it’s 10x worse than Irán Contra and Watergate combined but it didn’t move the needle.

Whether an indictment comes or not, shit’s gonna blow over. There’s just no other way.


Trump is nearly the favorite to once again be the most powerful person on earth and has a nearly 30 point polling edge in the GOP primary.

The idea he is going to face dire consequences due to this Stormy Daniels thing is not grounded in reality.

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I’m not bearish on Trump, but there is still value in Biden there imo.

That said, given the politics of these offshore market, I am surprised the odds on Trump are so long.

Agree with all that.

There was a ton of value when Biden was like +170 for D nom (lol).

Bovada definitely shades Trumpy, there’s a 7 point arb with pinny (if you count any other as 0).