Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Gonna be 9-0 put him on the ballot

This is like the Superbowl for MSNBC resistance Dems.


What utter nonsense.

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Clarence Thomas is married to an insurrectionist, still gets to rule on this case.


Getting a little spicy.

So gross listening to the trump appointees defending his ass. They should be recused

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Yeah this is ridiculous.

“Why didnt the founders include president in the list”

Gee, I dont know, why dont you dig them up and ask? Or maybe we can assume that all offices are a fucking office.


That’s assuming we can arrive on similar concepts of the terms ‘office’ and ‘officer’

“I dont know the standard that arises to an insurrection”

Its almost as if you guys should decide on that, being on the highest court in the land and all


“But what about if dumbass republican states disqualify somebody for no raisin. Should we give in to these fascist terrorists and just do what they want?”

Republican controlled states will disqualify Biden from the ballot under the argument that he is giving aid and comfort to an immigrant invasion on the southern border.

I was waiting for it, but they finally got to, “then what’s stopping a state from removing black candidates from the ballot?”

Right, thats my point. Theyre making terroristic threats to retaliate without cause. Guess we need to set up federal rules for deciding ballot access and elections.

Whoopsie, they did a big government.

To be clear, the answer given during the hearing was the 14th Amendment.

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“If the amendment doesn’t fit, you can all eat shit”


Ah well

Like if they actually lynched Mike pence. SC still gonna rule 0-9?

How can they possibly know what an insurrection is? That could have been a totally apolitical lynching

The 2 biggest shitheads on the court were leaning hard on, “if he’s not been convicted, how can we know he even did it?”

I didnt hear thomas but i can only imagine the convoluted bullshit he came out with

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I think Thomas almost never speaks at these things