Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

…not only the Presidency, but the Life, Breath, and Success of our Country. A President will be afraid to act for fear of the opposite Party’s Vicious Retribution after leaving Office. I know from personal experience because I am going through it right now. It will become a Political Weapon used for Election Interference. Even our Elections will be corrupted and under siege. So bad, and so dangerous for our Nation. SAVE PRESIDENTIAL IMMUNITY!

Gaetz, Sefanick + 63 co-sponsors. Or co-insurrectionists, if you prefer.

Sorry for all the poasts. Taking a walk to cool off now.


Would be surprised if he were hung. Okay with being hanged.



Falsus in uno is one thing, but Trump is in real trouble if the judge has to invoke falsus in Skip-Bo


It’s just PR for the Supreme Court justices masquerading as journalism. This expert journalist is 57 years old and has been writing about the SC since 1989. So for the majority of her life, and most of her adult life, her life’s work has been devoted to telling the stories of the Very Serious People that weigh the heavy matters of society. Most of us don’t want to accept that the SC is a fundamentally flawed and corrupt institution populated by partisan hacks. But she REALLY doesn’t want to accept that. No one wants to have their life’s purpose crushed with an end of career epiphany that it was all bullshit.


Surely only the reddest seats signed on to this unless they’re morons

It’s all bullshit

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surely if these things are allowed to happen no one would want to be president again. i mean we’re just going to have no one sign up to run because of all the harsh treatment and no full immunity… surely no randos spending billions on vanity campaigns or anything…

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I’m probably giving Trump’s ramblings way too much credit. But i think he’s comparing the immunity that presidents need to do their jobs to qualified immunity that cops “need” to do their jobs. And also comparing people who want to prosecute him/presidents to people who want to defund the police over “a few bad apples”.

As you point out, the argument he actually made doesnt hold water and neither would my interpretation. But that was my read on his statement.


Seems optimistic of them to think that this wouldn’t be among the last decisions of the term (so late June/early July) if SCOTUS takes the case.

Think about what this imbecile’s campaign slogan really is… I am running for office so I can do anything the fuck I want and there’s nothing anybody can do about it. Vote for me!

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The way they look at it, the trial 1) concludes before the election, 2) is ongoing during the election, or 3) waits until after the election. It may be optimistic, but they believe the court prefers 1), so it will act “early”. They think the court would want to avoid 2) because trial proceedings would disrupt the election. If the court waits for the end of the term, there theoretically is enough time for a trial before the election but by their estimation, we’d get 3), as most people here seem to think will happen. And as everybody knows, if it is 3), there’s a good chance a trial doesn’t happen at all. Of course, they’re just guessing, so maybe there should be error bars or whatever.

Gonna be hilarious when Trump tells Elise Stefanik that she is too ugly to be Vice President.

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Haley loses to nobody in the Nevada primary:


Much better story than Trump too incompetent to get on ballot in Nevada…

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I can’t say if it will have any entertainment value, but just in case.

Supreme Court audio stream. Argument in the 14th Amendment case scheduled tomorrow, 10 AM ET.


NPR is doing live coverage. Just started. So far features a lot of stuttering for some reason. Nina Totenberg needs more coffee or something.

No one really thinks the SC will allow Trump to be disqualified so this is just for fun.

Trump only has to win on one of his arguments, among the more stupid of which is that the person occupying the office of US president is not an officer of the country.

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Should merge with the Bible discussion. It means whatever they want it to mean.