Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Maybe anger is an underlying issue? You should look into that.

It’s not “what” they say, it’s the constant non stop coverage of everything that man says or does

I guess you’ve never heard the adage: Any publicity is good publicity. Why do you think candidates raise every dollar they can to outspend their opponents on advertising? Unfortunately, it takes more than a better message to get elected in this country. It takes tons of money. Trump gets millions upon millions of free press that no one else gets.


Yeah the attention is what drove the impression of legitimacy throughout the primaries and then the campaign itself. To tons of casuals, I’m sure the attitude was “Well if he’s a total unqualified joke of a candidate like some people are saying, then why is everybody talking about him? Something doesn’t add up.”


Yeah but he only gets that free press because people want to watch it. Trump was more entertaining than everyone, he is what people wanted to watch, if they put on a show about real issues nobody would care, so it became the trump show 24/7.

I feel partly responsible for creating this monster by giving it all my attention, like my outrage over politics gave me exactly what I craved, a complete shitshow of a presidency that I could complain about all the time for years, on every channel and news story and on everyone’s mind.




heres an article if you want to live in fantasyland

i didnt read it fyi

“What Happens, Exactly, If Monkeys Fly Out of my Butt?” by Wayne Campbell.



The suggestion of house arrest is fine with me and what I have been advocating, though I would make sure he’s not allowed to play golf.

There’s an old joke. A golfer goes to hell. He is met on a beautiful course by the Devil, who gives him a fine set of clubs. But he suddenly realizes there are no golf balls. When he complains, the Devil replies “That’s the hell of it.”


Trump obviously only improving mentally and physically.

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Maybe he should defer until 2028 when he will be at his peak

Seriously. Fuck America so hard.

That’s not America, that’s just social media. There is a concentrated social media amplification of Biden’s age, so more people think “old” when they think “Biden”.

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“For the purpose of this criminal case, former President Trump has become citizen Trump, with all of the defenses of any other criminal defendant,” a panel of three appellate judges wrote in the unanimous decision.


Not gonna lie… I was getting extremely worried about all the time they were burning up. Now it’s on to SCOTUS. Even if they take 2-3 months, we should get a trial by summer?

I read that Trump could ask for an en banc review at the DC Circuit before going to SCOTUS. Maybe one of the law-people can explain what that would mean.

I’ll admit I don’t know the timings/mechanics of it but given that the Ds control the court 7-4 and one of the Rs was on this panel I’m gonna go ahead and guess they’ll tell him to fuck off and that would be that. The bigger question is how long SCOTUS drags their feet on this.

We’re moving at light speed, guys