Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

LOL law


I had a boss that was quite proud of canā€™t understand normal thinking.

Wow shocker


Who could have ever seen that one coming


So weā€™re down to really only the dc one that has any prayer? We got him for sure

They understood that their coverage probably helped Trump win, and they had unleashed a monster on the country. Trump was behind in the polls, so covering him was a freeroll for the ratings. When he actually won, they decided not to cover him in the same way moving forward.

The addictā€™s creed? RAIDS going to RAIDS i guess. Dude hasnā€™t made a good post in 20 years so every response to one of my posts brings up my addiction issues. Good shit man. Enjoy your 4th or 5th ban for this.

As to the other on-topic responses to my post, politics isnā€™t about being the nicest person in the room. It is about obtaining and wielding power to accomplish something. How does proactively admitting you had sex with the prosecutor accomplish that in this case?

Trying to appear like the ā€œgoodā€ side while little of substance is actually done is the Dem motto at this point and is a huge part of the reason we are where we are.

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The media wants Trump to win because heā€™s good for ratings. The more fucked our country is the more people watch CNN.


100% that plus the 2016 Trump campaign was a pretty damn compelling reality show and people ate it up.


I kind of agree, in that I think itā€™s a lazy question and invites some really banal answers. Iā€™m unsure if itā€™s a trap, and the tutor is looking for some pushback or at least some more original thought beyond ā€œthe media beamed trump into peoples homes 24/7 and motivated an army of morons to go out and voteā€
But then I think, well yeah the media did kind of do that. Pretty much every form of news and social media was jammed with constant Trump content from the moment he came down that escalator. So the lazy answer is difficult to refute.

Itā€™s one of a series of question options for a final year BA in Politics at Manchester (UK) fwiw. I definitely agree that one would expect a more challenging prompt.

is this the one where the most senior judge on the panel that has the right to write their own opinion is just going to slowroll it forever and not write an opinion? i havenā€™t been keeping up with all of them individually.

He also masterfully exploited the media whether it was intentional or a natural occurrence due to his many personality disorders. He dished out a steady steam of obvious lies and disqualifying statements one after the other that the media did a terrible job of handling because they couldnā€™t keep up. This infuriated libs and elated and grew his base making him more popular than ever imo

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If a restaurant advertise and serves shit to people and they keep ordering it and eating it I consider that more of a people problem than a restaurant problem.

They played the Access Hollywood take 1000x. Everyone saw it and Trump was elected. Did seeing Trump on TV saying that heā€™s rich and brown people will murder your family cause you to vote for him? It made me think he was a clown.

If ā€œthe mediaā€ was to blame for Trump, how many more op eds does the NY Times need to run? If he wins in 2024 will it be because the media failed to inform voters about January 6th or that he appointed a supreme court that overturned roe v wade or that he was a terrible president?

Only losers like Trump blame ā€œthe media.ā€

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Donā€™t worry, Iā€™ve been assured the courts are moving at warp speed! Iā€™m sure justice is right around the corner!

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Republicans pull every possible lever to gain power and enact their policy agenda. Dems sit around jerking themselves off. We deserve whatā€™s coming.

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Uh guys Iron81 assured me the justice system was moving at warp speed


Ah well

And in the category of the sun came up todayā€¦

This is an astoundingly awful argument. Unforgivably bad. Itā€™s like the idiots who argue there shouldnā€™t be fat people cause salad exists.

The mediaā€™s doing a fine job covering Trump, I donā€™t see what the problem is.