Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

We’d find out when he didn’t crash someone’s wedding at Mar a Lago.

It just…popped in there


desantis would do more himself to destroy democracy. trmp would do less, but his reelection would destroy more of people’s faith in democracy.


I’ve heard something interesting will happen in the next two weeks. We’ll see what happens.


I’m also in the “DeSantis is probably worse than Trump” camp. I don’t think they’ll be thaaat different policy-wise, but DeSantis is a monster on LGBT stuff

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LOLOLOLOL who believes this shit


Keep tuning in to Muller She Wrote for future updates!


And he’s “polite” enough to get away with it. eDems want to work with Rs. Any showy act of being a Reasonable Conservative and the eDems will go right along with whatever RINO Ron wants.


Trump could legitimately fat finger some self-destruct button and end civilization. Not sure how this is even a debate. The notions that DeSantis “gets stuff done” and “is competent” are also based on no evidence.

I reallllly hate being that guy but since the discussion is already about fascism…

As William L. Shirer points out repeatedly in Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, so did Hitler.

  • Hitler did not claim the chancellorship by force, the SA marching in and having him installed at bayonet-point. Hindenburg legally appointed him chancellor.

  • Hitler did not suspend basic rights and allow detention without trial; Hindenburg did this when he signed the Reichstag Fire Decree, which was completely within his power to do under the Weimar constitution.

  • Hitler was not made dictator of Germany by fiat; the Reichstag voted overwhelmingly to give him dictatorial powers via its Enabling Act. It is arguable whether or not that vote was itself completely on the level, but there was indeed a parliamentary vote, anyway.

Then you look at what is going on in Florida right now, with law after law being passed by the FL legislature via its GOP supermajority basically doing whatever Desantis wants. They are getting ready to do all kinds of crazy shit, like: expand “Don’t Say Gay” to high schools; pass a new law allowing Desantis to both run for President and remain Governor of Florida, which previously was not allowed; hell, take complete control over what they deem “liberal” colleges and install political cronies in administrative positions; even threatening to outlaw the Democratic party altogether! And all of this to the thunderous applause of their supporters.

I am seriously having trouble seeing the difference here.

Meanwhile Trump signs an executive order, which gets struck down in court, then he whines, takes to Twitter, whines some more, then moves on to the next shiny object. He’s night and day compared to Desantis imho.


Good points.

In the end, selfishly, as a non-American not subject to your insane laws, I’ll take less of chance Trump mistakes the nuke button for his button to request a 20 piece bucket of KFC thereby nuking half the world. I live too close to you guys!

The idea of what constitutes a “bog standard awful Republican” has changed dramatically since Trump’s presidency. DeSantis is much more likely to use the federal government power to actively harm LGBTQ people or other minority groups than a Jen Bush would have been, for example.

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Agree so another trump presidency is not going to help move that line back!

I still dont get this take.

I have listened to Desantis a number of times openly and with an ear towards what people on that side might want to hear.

He is sooooooooo dull. Like Jeb Bush, please clap dull. I dont get his appeal even a little bit

He doesn’t just talk about sticking it the gays.

Yes the old, so many people are going to indict trump that nobody actually indicts him gambit.



Much love to the memes, but was everyone in this thread really reacting to Trump’s claim that he was getting indicted? Or did it come from somewhere more credible?

Cuz, um, seems like y’all were trippin.