Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I think you’re significantly underestimating how bad DeSantis is.


I just don’t think this is true. You are using fascist too loosely. All of his awful regressive laws are being passed through the democratic process.

I don’t think you can honestly argue both are equally likely to simply ignore laws and declare themselves leader forever or to openly cheat to gain or maintain power.

DeSantis is awful but it’s just not the case he is as likely as trump to literally end democracy in the US or to start an actual nuclear war.

Trump is far more likely to be an actual fascist.

Trump is more likely to do this but DeSantis is more likely to do it successfully. Remember that Donnie Dumb Dumb is just pushing random buttons, DeSantis is actually using his political power in calculated ways.

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Nah, he’s telling you who he is, you just don’t want to listen, which is fine and 100% your prerogative. It’s like when Trump said he was gonna do his Muslim ban and everyone was like “oh man, don’t take him literally take him seriously” or whatever the fuck it was. And then he got in and… put in his Muslim ban and everyone was like “ZOMFG, who could’ve seen this coming???”

Sure but the line on trump trying has to be like 10:1 while DeSantis has to be something like 1000:1.

This is why internet debate is so frustrating. You have decided there are just two buckets. We agree, both of them are in one bucket but it’s obvious it’s actually a continuum.

Yes both are in the “awful humans bucket” but on the continuum of “likely to end the world” one is far more dangerous.

Anyway, I guess we can agree to disagree.


Sounds good to me, idgaf tbh, just killing time at work lol.

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Way higher. I think a factor you fail to consider is that deaths in the age range Trump is in are very frequently predictable. People have cancer or other terminal conditions or have had previous serious cardiovascular events, or whatever. If a person doesn’t have any discernable critical ailments, they are going to greatly outlive the average. So that has to be factored in.

lol I have been morally judged by AI

Lol. That’s a silly restriction.

Another thing to consider - the chance that Trump dies but you don’t find out about it. No guarantee that the Trump camp would make his death public. Who would benefit?

It might be worse. Trump’s raging narcissism along with his host of other debilitating sociopathies are probably the only reason we survived him. Imagine a fascist unburdened by Trump’s diseased brain who is more intelligent and competent

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DeSanctus is very live to do shit like what Netanyahu is doing now or Teresa May did during Brexit. In addition to being more competent and disciplined in pursuing R goals, a faker wannabe like DeSanctus is prone to go overboard in his desperate search of approval from the MAGA masses.

On a national abortion ban, for example, rolling the dice with whatever Trump randomly decides to pursue seems far superior than DeSanctus being a lock to pass the most restrictive bill he has the votes for.


National abortion ban vs the end of democracy or global nuclear war.

You are strongly weighting legislative loses over much larger structural or global catastrophes.

This is the error in my opinion.

Nuclear war with who, China? Because Trump would form an alliance with Putin before risking his own safety. I think other leaders would/do correctly see Trump as a total moron who easily can be manipulated without war. With somebody half-competent and less narcissistic like DeSantis I think it gets a lot more complicated.

And regarding democracy, with someone like DeSantis we likely end up with something a lot of people can comfortably call “democracy”, but isn’t. Gerrymandering, restriction of voting rights etc, but federally supported. I think he’s a lock for that. Maybe Trump tries to go full dictatorship, but I think he fails exactly because everything he does is loud and stupid.

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I don’t think Trump is prone to nuclear war because with the exception of Iran he loves the dictators that the US is prone to nuke.

End of democracy, yes Trump is way more likely to just disregard actual election results. DeSanctus is more likely to successfully do Erdogan/Orban shit where he kneecaps the opposition and rewrites the laws so that it is nearly impossible to defeat him/Rs.

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Good discussion but given its prediction no way to say who is right. Guess time will time.

In the end either would be awful.

True! And that’s another thing: I truly think DeSantis beats the pants off any dem (if Trump is out of the picture), and I think most dems stand a good chance of beating Trump.

I agree.

One would have to have a good estimate of all probabilities and then conduct some kind of Bayesian analysis to see how each plays out.

Choose. Choose the form of the destructor.

  • Trump
  • DeSantis

0 voters

Maybe this is ambiguous. Pick the guy most likely to destroy democracy.