Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

see above.

also simp

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Love to see it


Can some lawbros explain to me how a jury can say that above happened and also say that there was not proof of rape? Does the law require the penis to be the raping implement?

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New York rape law specifies “sexual intercourse” and it seems this to be interpreted using the “ordinary meaning” of the term.


Thanks. I figured it was a lol law thing.

Moral is the law is as sophisticated about sex as morons soaking and jumping on their friends beds.

I’m much more optimistic than most on here that Trump won’t be reelected and I think all the talk about how he will suspend elections and declare himself dictator to be silly.

I still see scenarios where Trump is convicted and encourages armed conflict against the government and ends up under ground in Colorado.

Yes, she will have a full team of specialized collection lawyers ensuring she is paid every penny and 10% interest and collection fees.

I would think she’d be able to sell a piece of her action, I just wonder what kind of price she can get.



He’s just gonna pull a Giuliani and claim that he has no income, all his assets are part of the Trump Organization, which coincidentally he’ll be stepping down from to pass the reins to Junior. Sorry, nothing to garnish or seize. Maybe she’ll be able to garnish his 400k salary as President or something if he doesn’t manage to donate that first, but the Supreme Court will probably find an arcane passage to cite that will prevent that too.



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Honestly. I can’t tell if you are serious anymore.

Ensuring how? He is simply going to refuse to pay and nothing will happen. Nothing.

You still don’t seem to understand the entire legal system only works if people agree to both follow the rules and enforce consequences. Neither has any chance of happening here.

He is going to refuse to pay and what? He is never getting arrested. He is never going to jail.

The absolute worst case for him is more judges rule he has to pay which he will just keep ignoring.

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Even Team #WeGotHim is not suggesting that he is getting arrested or going to jail.

The “and what” is seizure of assets. Maybe that’s not the consequence in your book, but that’s the only consequence the WeGotHim folks are suggesting. He’s pays or has assets seized. Or I guess he appeals and ultimately wins. Or maybe if hides behind bankruptcy.

I even doubt the asset seizure, but if it does happen, I’ll admit something happened.

Who is seizing his assets? That is never happening. He will be president by the time it even could.

I don’t know. You’ll have to ask one of them. Even I don’t think it’s going to happen. Simp posted something above about the Sheriff auctioning off his jet.

The point is that no one is expecting him to be arrested and jailed because that is not the consequence of losing a civil trial for anybody. Even regular nonTrumps.

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Fair enough.

There is still zero chance anyone seizes $90m of his assets.

So for those on Team “he will definitely pay”:

  • How does it work? When does he have to pay and how much? All at once? Or can he pay $1,000 a month for centuries?
  • And what exactly happens if he doesn’t pay? Asset seizure? Okay, but what’s the timeframe? And how exactly does it work? How do they choose what to take?
  • What kind of delay tactics does Trump have? What happens if he declares bankruptcy?

Not trying to be a dick, but I’m not accepting “he has to because law”. I’ve seen this movie too many times.


In normal circumstances good attorneys could absolutely make sure he pays but the lol fuck you no program is undefeated for this asshole so who knows

At a minimum all these judgments will have claims on his estate which is mildly comforting and amusing

Do you think the legal system is constructed around the idea that people who lose will pay up in good faith?

The system is engineered so losers like Trump will pay. If he claims he’s personally broke courts will require entities he is associated with to pay. Assets in a blind trust for the Trump family? Gone. Property owned by Trump Inc in Bahamas? Gone. Trademarks? Gone. Until the judgment is satisfied he will pay. The lawyers will take 35% but they will remain motivated.

There are things called writs of execution, which judges need to sign. They direct banks to turn over funds or for the sheriff to impound equipment and sell it. There is zero assumption of good faith. People have been trying to avoid paying legal judgments for 500 years. It’s not a new area of law.

In the normal world he has to put up the whole thing and interest, or get a bond issuing to do so. It stays during the appeal process.

However, trump is obviously going to (correctly) follow the fuck you what are you going to do about it model he has used his entire life and neither pay or post a bond.

Many stern letters will be written, several judges will issue orders, it might even go to a couple levels of the court.

All will be theatre because nobody is willing to actually force consequences.