Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Counter point: the Sacklers have $12 billion (at least) in Jersey trusts (lol) and continue to roam free in the U.S.


I think trump will pay as much as alex jones pays

This guy makes a pretty convincing case against Trump appealing on the grounds of excessive damages:

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You really do think trump is just an average citizen. Bizarre.

Itā€™s so odd how someone can still think this. How much data does a person need to learn if you throw a ball up in the air it comes back down.

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Afaik the Sackler settlement allowed them to keep a big chunk of money.

ā€¦Trump has put more than $5.5 million in an escrow account to potentially cover the cost of the first verdict while the appeals play out.

And succeeding! Easier when itā€™s a corporation, and this is against Trump the person, but individuals also succeed at avoiding payment.

Itā€™s really weird that you donā€™t know this. Thereā€™s individuals who havenā€™t paid legal judgments from 20 years ago


I for one think Trump has finally learned his lesson and we should expect better behavior from him in the future.


On the one hand, the $25M settlement in the Trump U fraud case has been paid out.

On the other hand, it wasnā€™t paid by Trump. Wiki says a business partner paid.

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Ask the Goldman family how easy it is to collect on a civil judgement. OJ is too busy playing golf every day and having dinners at nice restaurants to write a check.

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OJ was able to avoid payment since he didnā€™t really have any assets other than his home, plus most of his income was from his pension (which was protected).

Iā€™m not saying it will be easy to collect, but it also wonā€™t be as hard since Trump has a lot of easily identifiable assets. There is also going to be the huge Melania issue - to avoid paying the judgement heā€™ll need to file for bankruptcy and start hiding his assets - which is going to make it hard for Melania to collect whatever she is owed (and doubt sheā€™s going to be dumb enough to trust Trump to make it right with her).

Weā€™re drawing live to Trump being so obstinate and disrespectful that the court is inspired to make an example of him.

Which is fucking crazy

Does he have a lot of assets, or does the Trump Organization have a lot of assets? Does it matter? I feel like rich people always have that shit hidden away to protect themselves against personal liability if something like this happens, but maybe thatā€™s just in the movies.

You donā€™t seem to understand how authorities can place a lien on property and then auction it off to cover legal judgements from American courtrooms.

But please proceed, Governor.

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5ish years ago, some rich dude sued my dad. It was a complete bs suit, just a rich guy trying to use lawyers as weapons to get his way. My dad countersued. Rich guy lost his suit and my dadā€™s countersuit. He appealed both. This went on for a couple years. He lost both appeals and my dad was awarded 6 figures, but that was really only enough to cover legal fees. Except surprise, surprise, rich guyā€™s only assets in his name is a house in FL that is protected. My dad has not been able to collect anything so far.

The same rich guy got a divorce 8-10 years ago. He appealed everything to the state supreme Court and lost. Then sued his ex in federal court and lost. And appealed and lost. He made the wife rack up close to 7 figures in attorneys fees. The wife got a 7 figure award and attorneyā€™s fees awarded. Sheā€™s still trying to collect 8+ years later.

Obviously itā€™s a different calculus when thereā€™s an $83m incentive to pursue but chances of collecting are not great, unless Trump is dumb enough to be sitting there with trump tower and trump org in his name.


Doesnā€™t he just sell his name to the towers? We had so many articles that I know we all read during his term on this website about how he just sells his name to shit and isnā€™t actually running it or owning it

Canā€™t tell if serious?

The point isnā€™t that institutions donā€™t exist to do this. Itā€™s that there is zero chance they will actually do it.

The chain isnā€™t break law-consequence-institutional action


Break law-consequence-politics-institutional action.


I think a lot of it is in his name, but also not sure it really matters. Also, itā€™s going to be a lot easier here due to the NYAG lawsuit about his inflated net worth - heā€™s gone through and identified all assets he owns there to show he wasnā€™t lying.

I just donā€™t see how heā€™s going to protect all his NY assets. Courts there are not going to be friendly to his claims - and seizing assets is a state law issue - so should be pretty easy to just snag his penthouse.

You can definitely hide things away, but that takes planning in advance, and doesnā€™t seem Trump did that.

In many cases, yes. The Trump organization does own some major buildings in New York. Unclear how much debt they have or if they would protected because they are corporate rather than person assets.