Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

lmao fentanyl

He doesn’t need a bond to not pay. That’s only if he decides to appeal. After a judgment the impetus is on the creditor/plaintiff to collect. Garnish wages, levy bank accounts, attach liens to real property and foreclose, etc.

He doesn’t need to appeal the EJC case at all. As always Trump doesn’t need to win anything at 80 years old and the current favorite to be the president in less than a year. He just needs to delay the consequences as long as possible.

I completely agree that if he lives long enough and doesn’t win the election some of these things will catch up to him btw.

So if Trump never appeals and never pays, what happens? Does he go to jail, or just liens against his properties?

You can’t go to jail for indebtedness in this country.

According to simp:

We’re still not sure how long “before long” is.


The collection procedures vary by state. Here’s a good article on the basics

Can You Collect Your Judgment? | Nolo.

I think he will post the bond, which might be property instead of cash? The verdict has a reasonable chance of being reduced on appeal.

Most people get a surety bond from an insurance company rather than post the bond themselves (which would have to be cash). Bond is 120% of the judgement. Insurance company requires you to post collateral to cover the bond amount, plus pay a fee.

I’m not sure though it’s likely to be reduced on appeal. Court would have to find some error of law, not just that jury awarded too much.

I’m pretty sure excessive damages is a claim you can make on appeal, I remember SCOTUS taking such a case and reducing an award for some heinous corporate conduct because of course. My understanding is Trumps idiot lawyer waived most of the usual appeals by never objecting to anything during the trial.

Yeah, I think it was for the Exxon Valdez.

Award will be reduced to $20 million. Value of a burial plot at a premium hole on a Trump golf course will be valued at $19.9 million and Carroll will be forced to accept it.


Why do you think he will ever have to pay her $1? Honest question.

If he posts the bond, he’ll be paying $82m no later than the deadline to file the appeal, which is usually 6 months or less.

Let’s just clear this up once and for all. Trump will never go to jail for anything, ever.


How is it possible that we have an entire forum of people saying, ostensibly to each other, “lol you guys are crazy, Trump won’t ever suffer any consequences”

We get it.


You guys are forgetting that Trump is the master of the deal. He will get out of this for two Mara Lago memberships and a set of cleats signed by Doug Flutie.


Probably because we still have people earnestly posting as the literally embodiment of the WE GOT HIM meme 10 years in after each Trump news story.


Really hardly any. Some people post news items just to provoke people like you, l guess. But who is really saying WE GOT HIM? It’s an imaginary opponent.


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