Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

lol no


Assuming an appeal is a non starter as he wonā€™t put up the escrow, what is Trumpā€™s route to not paying this settlement?

I gather bankruptcy wonā€™t discharge most of his liability here. So does he have options beyond simply ignoring deadlines and refusing to pay? (Which will work anyway, presumably)

lol fuck you, no?

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I think if he doesnā€™t pay he could be found in contempt of court and end up in jail so probably nothing happens if he doesnā€™t pay.

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He isnā€™t paying jack shit and will continue to do exactly what he has always done, cmon yā€™all are tripping.


If he doesnā€™t pay, her lawyers can start seizing his property using court orders. Could see states like Florida refusing to honor the court order, but heā€™s got plenty of property in NY/NJ/etc. that could be easily seized. If that happens, not sure what recourse heā€™s going to have.

So when do you think sheā€™s going to see her first check? How much would you guess it will be for?

I donā€™t know - depends if he appeals. But I am quite confident he canā€™t just say lolno and not pay (without some drastic rule changes, like him becoming a dictator).

I guess he could try to declare bankruptcy and take the Alex Jones, OJ route, but I think heā€™s got way too many tangible assets that he canā€™t easily hide to try that.

Hope youā€™re right, but something tells me that a psychopath like that with deranged cultists who will soon control all levers of federal power plus the highest court in the land are going to figure something out thatā€™ll allow him to continue to brutally defame her and not pay a penny (and will probably find a way to further enrich him at the same time).

Heck there is probably something buried deep in the Constitution that says the President canā€™t be subject to civil financial penalties because of reasons, especially when those come from a rigged political witch hunt. We just havenā€™t had this crack team of originalists look real close with a magnifying glass yet.

Guess Iā€™m just a bit jaded.


Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong, but Iā€™m very curious to see how many tangible assets HE actually has. So much seems to be owned by various comporate entities, held as collateral by secured creditors and protected by other kinds of legal shields that I wonder how much is actually available for collection.


Just 3 years ago we had the strongest and safest Border in U.S. History. Today we have a catastrophe waiting to happen. It is the WORST BORDER IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, an open wound in our once great Country. TERRORISTS ARE POURING IN, UNCHECKED, FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. There is now a 100% chance that there will be MAJOR TERROR ATTACKS IN THE USA. CLOSE THE BORDER!

Guaranteeing terror attacks is certainly a great campaign strategy.


This is where the cynicism comes in. Because heā€™s a rich white man, the expectation from the doomers is that it will take 18 months of legal mumbo jumbo to get these court orders, in the meantime he is elected Dictator For Life.

I am not saying I endorse this view, but I understand why people would think it.

We are 8 years into this shit and nothing has happened.

At this point itā€™s going to be one of 2 things. He wins the election and nothing ever happens to him, or he loses the election and dies broke in jail. There is no middle ground.


It was a joke over 7 years ago that nothing ever happens to him, so itā€™s been going on way longer than that.


I very much agree with this and canā€™t foresee any other alternative. Heā€™s either completely ruined or gets off scot free and becomes de facto dictator. Itā€™s more in the hands of voters than the courts

I think there is an actual legal question whether this judgment can be discharged or not in bankruptcy. The one part of the bankruptcy code that applies are judgment debts that occur because of a ā€œwillful or malicious actā€. This would be a question for the federal courts on appeal from a likely adversary proceeding in the original bankruptcy case.

Then there is the fact many of Trumpā€™s assets are either going to be exempt, owned by Trump corporate interests or highly leveraged. The value of Trumpā€™s corporate interests may be negative because of the amount of pending litigation against him. Florida also has very liberal bankruptcy exemptions. If he personally owns Mar-A-Lago he would likely be able to exempt it or at least the most valuable portion:

So how you dont pay is to start out by not paying, wait for Carrolā€™s lawyers to start attempting to seize or attach liens to personal assets(if he actually has any personal assets to seize). File for chapter 7 bankruptcy. Probably lose the adversary proceeding and then appeal as far as you need to in order to find a Trump favorable court. Even if you never win it is years of appeals where you dont pay.

As always I think the ā€œTrump is totally fuckedā€ crowd is way too optimistic. Trump can probably stretch this out for years and years if not win the case outright in the SC for reasons and pay nothing. He has lots of outs beyond winning the election and the optimists here only have LOLLAW to fall back on which so far has done nothing meaningful to Trump in 80 years.


Has there ever been a terrorist attack by latin american migrants? There have been several terrorist attacks by trump supporters, that must be what heā€™s promising

He stated under oath he has $400MM in cash lol


Well, if he were telling the truth (lol) heā€™s looking at another $325 mil potential judgement next week in the NY civil case.

In other words:


I donā€™t think it works that way. He canā€™t just ā€œnot payā€. He needs at the very least, to secure a bond which would require 2%-3% of the amount rewarded before he can appeal. And thatā€™s if he can get a bond given that he might be on the hook for $250M in another case. Also, you can appeal once and if that doesnā€™t work you can take the case to the state supreme court, but they donā€™t have to hear it. His only out is to win the presidency in which case, all bets are off. Otherwise, one way or another, heā€™s going to have to pay. This is my understanding anyway