Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Looking forward to Biden ads: “A jury found Trump liable for lying about raping a woman and ordered he pay $85 million.”

There is no level of brain dead independent voter that information does not break through to.

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Fixed that for you



"there were significant legal disputes in the run up to the historical period later known as American Greatness. Some historians have controversially drawn parallels between this and Germany in WW2 due to the mass deportations and attacks on supposed terrorists amoung the “Democrat Party” *now defunct


Define “before long”

Apparently I missed a big day.


Has Alex Jones paid $1 yet? (honestly asking)


We know this isn’t moving the needle with R voters, but read the replies to this if you want to see just how much it’s not moving the needle. Whataboutism ad infinitum.


Not one single solitary voter that was going to pull the lever for Trump will not because of this. If you were pulling it before, you think this is just a rigged unjust witch hunt that is completely illegitimate. An existential threat. It makes you want to pull the lever harder. Much harder.

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That dude up thread in that article didn’t give a fuck

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I think there are a lot more people who are stupider and more whimsical than you think. Maybe not 50% of the populace, but perhaps 10%, and that’s enough to matter.

Saudi Arabia

Hope you are right, and enjoy this descriptor.

Lol, 2nd tweet is perfect. How many days does he need to fundraise his way out of this?

Raping a woman doesn’t hurt a presidential candidacy, but let out an enthusiastic scream and it’s Game Over.


hE wONt pAy A DiME

Based on my quick perusal of the thread, it looks like most are semantikesing the difference between rape and sexual abuse. “Well actually, she wasn’t raped. The jury explicitly did not find that that she was raped. Chessmate libtard!”

That was pretty predictable and avoidable with a different tweet to kick things off. It’s like this Keith bloke is new at the internet or something. I feel like every reg here would have seen that coming a mile away.

Now don’t get me wrong, even if he writes a better tweet to start, those MAGA morons would still blow it off and it wouldn’t move the needle one iota. He just made it easy.

There are probably 50 million adults in the US right now who might vote who are still undecided.

Means ~nothing

A couple catturd reposts and they descend like locusts.

Trump can’t go the bankruptcy route Alex Jones used especially since that conflicts with his fraud trial in New York. Also read that to appeal he needs to put up the entire judgement as bond and who is going to do that for him when he also looks like losing that fraud trial.
I am sure there are ways to delay because lol law but this is a funny catch-22 he is in now.