Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

A full answer would require a deep dive into Japan’s sex culture. But the short answer is that maybe around 30% - 50% of women and 70% - 80% of men would say it’s true.

My wife, for better or worse, is not among those.


I don’t anticipate ever moving back to the States, at least not until healthcare resembles that of Japan (so never), but if we do, the last place we’d ever move back to is a swinging Florida retirement community.

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I don’t suppose that Japan has a Villages equivalent with some crazy onsen action.

There are a few mixed-sex onsen scattered around Japan.

But sex-starved older Japanese men typically go to “soap land” or “delivery health” services to satisfy their needs.

Sex-starved older Japanese women, on the other hand, just go on a Ginza shopping spree with their cheating husband’s credit card in hand.

“delivery health” is the GOAT euphemism

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Stefanik will do and say anything for that VP role. Must be making her deplorable family so proud. Gonna be hilarious when Trump decides not to pick her.

By anything, you mean blowjobs.

Sadly this is the most common voter you’ll get. Wants accountability from the system but then handwaves anything that Trump has done. Also accountability seems a very abstract concept when he’s retired military in a house that’s gone up in value over half a million dollars, etc. What’ what the wrong that’s been done against you that you need accountability for?


I mean, obviously, it’s the improved station of women, minorities, and LGBTQ+ folks who he used to be better able to look down upon.

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When all you’ve ever known is privilege, equality feels like oppression.


Juror sick. Habba possibly out with COVID. Court session today was canceled, so some speculation about what would have happened.

Rubin is saying that the criminal defense people there make it more likely Trump was going to testify. Ofc it’s not clear what he could say that wouldn’t cost him.

Weird how the alleged swing voter profiles are literally always boomer white people

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this shit is enraging

On his mind, too, was his estrangement from his older brother — a rift the former president had done nothing but widen. He wanted to hear Haley’s plan “to pull us all back together.”

Haley nor trump is gonna help you with your brother knowing that you’re a piece of shit.

He’s originally from Centralia, Illinois, a town like too many towns in the more rural interior of the country that isn’t what it was. He was born in a hospital that no longer delivers babies His father’s gallbladder several years back broke during a snowstorm and so he couldn’t be airlifted to the closest suitable medical facility in St. Louis. “So we just watched him die,” he said.

Trump nor Haley gonna help you with this issue either bro.

“You do your own reading and your own research, and you’re like, ‘What the hell’s happened to this country?’” he told me. He told me about one of his last conversations with his brother, Fred, very much anti-Trump. “He goes, ‘Well, what do you think about Jan. 6?’ And I said, ‘I thought it was Patriot’s Day.’”

Gee i wonder where the rift with your bro comes from?

He liked the way Haley talked about abortion — “she threaded the needle, and she did a very good job on that.”

oh cool bro, threaded the needle into not taking a position, you like that.

“You know what made a big difference? A lot of the ads” that he saw mainly on Fox News, he said. Particularly successful on Johnson was that had Haley “saying that illegal aliens were not illegal,” he told me. “I’m a black-and-white guy. You break the law, you break the law,” he said. “If I go out there and break the law, ain’t nobody going to help Ted Johnson. I’m going to jail.”’

You’re rich and white and a veteran bro there will be tons of help stfu.

Johnson started talking about “Russia-gate” and “Biden’s scandals” and Hunter Biden. What, I wondered, did Hunter Biden have to do with Nikki Haley? “She’s not going to hold anybody accountable for what they’ve done,” Johnson told me. “People need to be held accountable. That’s why you’ve got to break the system to fix the system,” he said. “Because it’s a zero-sum game right now. And to be honest with you, the Democrats are genius. They did anything they could do to win and gain power, even if they lie, cheat, steal. … What they’re doing is they’re destroying the country. Who could bring it back?” He answered his own question: “Trump’s the only one.”

What did dems do that was lieing cheating and stealing bro? It’ll be ok for trump to break laws while he breaks the system?

They started prosecuting Trump for a bunch of crap. And I’ll be honest. I started feeling for the guy. I says, ‘Holy shit, what are they doing to this guy?’”


“January 6th,” he said. “January 6th was staged.”


“The Democratic Party,” he said. “Nancy Pelosi.”

“Did you always think that?”

“At first I thought it was bad,” he said. “Until time came on and I’m starting to watch …”

“What are you starting to watch?”

“The hearings.”

“The actual hearings,” I said, “convinced you not that it was very terrible but that it was …”

“A setup,” he said. “They cherrypicked what they wanted to show. They cherrypicked what Trump actually said.”


“They’re afraid as hell, because this time around he’s going to take the DOJ, he’s going to take the bureaucracy of the FBI, the CIA, all the stupid intel agencies that don’t do shit, and he’s going to upset the apple cart,” he said.

sounds good bro you sound smart

I referred to the argument Trump is now making over and over that he’s going to go after them because he says they’re going after him but really they’re going after you — his supporters.

“That’s exactly the way I feel,” Johnson said.

“Did you feel like that before he said that,” I said, “or did he say that and you said yes?”

“He said that, and I said yes,” he said.

“And trust me, the guy’s a pig, he’s a womanizer — arrogant a-----e,” Johnson said of Trump. “But I need somebody that’s going to go in and lead, and I need somebody that’s going to take care of the average guy.”

lol lmao

The federal election interference case in Washington? “I don’t see it,” he said. “There was no insurrection.” The porn star hush money case in New York? “Totally ridiculous.” The sweeping election interference case in Georgia? “Jury’s out on what’s going on there.” And the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case in Florida? It’s the one that gives Johnson a modicum of pause. “You don’t f— around with classified material. Whoever advised him he could have that — he should have gave that s— up,” he said. “But he was being the stubborn, arrogant person that he is.” And he added, “I didn’t like the way the FBI did it. The raid was ridiculous. And that just emboldened me.”

admits it was wrong but he was just being a baby guys so give him a pass and once the FBI raids well hell you gotta acquit.

What if that went to trial and he was convicted?” I asked. “Should he still be electable?”

“What’s the law say?” he said.

“Don’t do that,” I said. “That’s what the law says.”

“Accountability is accountability. But they’re throwing so much stuff at this guy, and it’s almost like I’m rooting for him,” he told me. “This is a whole system of government going after one man who, probably, I bet, right now, 85 million people want to be president.

The more crimes he commits the more you root for him, its like Rocky or david against Goliath!


interesting year we’re gonna have…

one of my grandmothers died of dementia, took 2 months from forgetting the nurses’ names to me having to say “i love you grandma” in polish for her to remember who i was.

i assume trump will get all of the good drugs, and can’t wait to see wtf it’ll take for people to start slowly backing away.

[quote=“wirelessgrinder, post:6645, topic:9932”] I’m a black-and-white guy. You break the law, you break the law,” he said.

and thats why i have no choice but to vote for Donald Trump


i figured out the thing with the sores on his hands.

he’s gonna debate biden in a few months, right? well he already tried to give biden covid and it’s not gonna work as well this time so he got his people to infect him with smallpox. the smallpox virus is going to incubate inside him through the republican primary, and when he gets on that debate stage he’s gonna be bubbling and busting out of every pore.

and you know who doesn’t do too well with smallpox? old, elderly, weak, senior citizens with grey hair. checkmate. victory assured.


There’s really no good drugs for that, and dementia is usually much slower than a few months.

That tweet is also wrong about republicans ever having to deal with it. They won’t, they’ll obfuscate and deny.


An extra day for Trump to do more defaming.

this has to be a huge dog to actually happen