Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

There’s a word to describe these people: Republicans!

Bro is out here mainlining Fox News and alienating his family, this is not a persuadable voter!


This guys sucks, but I respect his kindling splitting game.This fella ain’t gonna lose a finger. Can’t say that for most Trump supporters.

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More brain worms here

Writing bills to give millions to a self-proclaimed billionaire so he can pay his lawyers. This is our world now


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There’s a reason his doctors are ordering cognitive tests. Even when you’re old I don’t think they give them without reason

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I would be totally ok with someone breaking into his doctor’s office, stealing his medical files, and releasing his cognitive test results, but they should wait until after the convention when he has the nomination locked up.

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I thought they already did that?


He seemed confused for a second about whether “Doc Ronny” was currently the White House physician. Aren’t these cognitive tests pass/fail? Either you’ve lost your marbles or you haven’t, you don’t ace your marbles test.

I mean, he’s telling on himself, but the cult are too stupid to pick up on it. And in their defense (but only slightly), the fucking media should be asking why are you now being regularly tested for dementia?

Does anyone truly think that even dead obvious dementia would keep republican voters from voting Trump into office?


Some won’t notice, most don’t care, and a bunch give him extra points for it.

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Shoplifting in San Francisco. Crime in Chicago. Migrants in hotels. High school sports grievances. Those are my guesses without clicking the article.

eh dude doesnt even mention anything for real, he mentions somethings he liked that trump did maybe but everything about accountability is real general “they ruined our country” “whats been done in the past” type shit, vague references to dems lying cheating and stealing etc, theres barely any talk of issues in it as far as the main guy


i think they’re confused about what a lawyer does


All things being equal, I suppose I’d like a hot lawyer, but all things are not equal.


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: not guilty!


Q: What’s the difference between Donald Trump and a tick?
A: One is a filthy, bloodsucking disease vector. The other is an insect.


That’s a pretty poor photoshop job too.