Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I’m not sure. I saw the brand name then squinted a little more to read the “premium Swedish hard cider” description underneath it.

image source


And a white male.

She was practically slapping him away too

Just imagine if Biden did that. Impeachment trial immediately, Fox News talks about it 24/7 until the Earth is swallowed by the sun.

If Obama did it, he’d need Atticus Finch to defend him.


New theory.



What is this from?

From Dusk til Dawn. Pretty good popcorn flick

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New wtf is up with Trump stories incoming. Didn’t notice before, but if you scroll up and watch the video of him walking away from Melania, there’s a white patch on his neck on the left side. Bandage? Hiding a hickey? Could be shirt collar.

You know Nikki Haley?


The truly mind boggling part isn’t watching a 77 year old sundowning before our eyes, but that millions of people just don’t give a shit and think he’ll be a great POTUS again


We should encourage MAGA to believe this is due to heavy metal poisoning being done by a DeSantis mole in the Trump campaign.


Well, they say the same shit about Biden (not exactly wrongly either), and a near equal amount are going to vote for him. I do think that most Biden votes are really just not Trump votes, whereas more of the Trump votes are “ZOMG Trump is the GOAT President”, so perhaps it’s a bit different.

I was gonna say “actually, he’s 81” but melk kinda stole my thunder

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I’m not at all happy Biden being the Dem nominee, but I bet he could tell you who the Speaker was on J6. Their gaffes aren’t even in the same league imo


Biden has noticeably slowed down in his old age, but he’s not mentally impaired like Trump.

My brother said to me,”he can’t run again so it’s just four years of fun”

Fun for whom?

I’m assuming we’re talking about heritagenothate. Right?

Is The Villages The STD Capital? - Statcare.

The Villages has consistently ranked high in STD rates compared to other communities in Florida. According to the Florida Department of Health, the STD rates in The Villages have been on the rise in recent years. This includes cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis.

Now I’m wondering if this is actually attractive to people who want to live the lifestyle.