Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

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ā€œTake it over leave it. Now or never,ā€ the judge added.

The guy who coulda negotiated the Civil War but couldnā€™t make a deal here.


Good, I want to hear more audio from Trumpā€™s lawyer who sounds like a strangled chicken

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I listened to the whole thing. Even through the legalese, I could tell the guy was full of shit.

Still waiting for Trump to retain power after he loses an election.

His own fucking veep wouldnā€™t ā€œcollaborateā€ for him and his real collaborators havenā€™t even hung the fucker yet for his betrayal.

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Meanwhile, the Trump frightened left is still figuratively double masking and avoiding crowds in indoor spaces like the grocery store while simultaneously bemoaning the strength of institutions meant to check power they also actively seek to undermine.

Completely unserious people.

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Who said that?

The facts that
(1) it has never happened before here
(2) despite much less strong institutions
(3) and the most recent attempt abjectly failed

all seem relevant when taking the temperature of a future threat.

So letā€™s give him a second chance!


I donā€™t think ā€œweā€ really have much of a choice.

Gotta beat him at the ballot box in all likelihood. Even if he is in prison he will be the nominee.

I am looking forward to all the leftists canvassing for Joe to keep Trump out of power. The intellectual honesty is staggering.

Certainly canā€™t recall any instances of a loser failing an insurrection then finding a way to end up with total dictatorial control of a country after using that failure as a learning experience to improve on their second attempt, no siree.


Must have been somewhere without strong institutions like the courts here!

If true, itā€™s super weird no former presidents have been indicted up to now.

Well I have to completely disagree there. We donā€™t learn the names of Hitlerā€™s enablers. We learn the his name and the names of his fascist leadership.

Perhaps what youā€™re saying is what history should remember but the world will definitely remember Trump, Trump, Trump and the Kevin McCarthys of the times will be a footnote. Unless Biden wins again, the worst and most memorable of Trumpā€™s actions havenā€™t happened yet


2011 White House Correspondentsā€™ Dinner, a day that will go down in infamy.


His whole schtick is predicated upon his base being complete idiots

And they are. And they vote. And they like guns. And they donā€™t like brown people. Women are good for procreation.

How minor a thing is suspending the 14th Amendment solely for his benefit?

There was something about how the house suspended some rule about not disparaging the president, but not the former president.

So trash talking Biden OK
Holding up a sign of Don and Epstein not Ok.



Itā€™s hard to imagine Trump letting a woman/minority on the ticket. I would bet Matt Gaetz.