Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Sure he could. They just have to:

  1. Be all in on Trump to a shameless degree.
  2. Not be a distraction. Someone who isnā€™t going to take attention from him.

No way. That violates #2 pretty hard.

My guess is Stefanik, but there are plenty of options.

  1. Be okay with Trump supporters wanting to hang her.

Another knock against Gaetz is it would mean both candidates would be from the great state of Florida which means that Floridaā€™s electoral votes couldnā€™t go to both:

The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves.


2016 was close enough that picking Pence may have actually been the thing that put Trump over the top. THe traditional thinking has always been to ā€œbalanceā€ the ticket, and Pence was the guy to reassure the country club types, and it probably worked? This time heā€™s definitely not going to pick an establishment dipshit. Picking stefanik or some puppet like that isnā€™t going to help him electorally at all.

Rogan for VP

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Not that itā€™ll happen, but would this mean the FL electors would have to vote for the Dem VP candidate (meaning a bizarre split ticket if itā€™s close enough)? Or would they just all vote for some other random R from another state who obviously canā€™t win, maybe throwing it to the House to pick the VP if neither candidate gets to 273.

Gonna be Ivanka

Probably hasnā€™t told her yet though

One of them would change their residency to another state for a couple months.

Weā€™re already ignoring the constitution when inconvenient for Trump, whatā€™s one more clause?

Ultimate alpha move would be to get Kasich to take it imo.

Now that Tuckerā€™s career is in the shitter he seems like a realistic possibility. I donā€™t think Hannity would take it. I highly doubt itā€™ll be Vivek. Haley is a craven opportunist so while itā€™s unlikely I could see them doing a ā€œbring the party together to beat Bidenā€ truce or something.

Highest bidder gets VP.


Gonna lol when Trumps picks the Sultan of Brunei


He got to speak after all. Judge asked him if he had anything to say for himself?



Dana White veep incoming

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ā€œI know this is boring to you,ā€ Trump then said directly to Engoron. ā€œI know you have your own agenda; you canā€™t listen for more than one minuteā€¦ā€

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