Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

This five-hearted bullshit seems to miss a couple salient facts:

  1. Trump’s Congressional collaborators didn’t actually do anything substantive to keep him in power.

  2. Trump’s judicial collaborators resoundingly shot down his attempts to retain power.

Other than that we are at CRITICAL MASS.


And yet a critical mass of state candidates He endorsed got pistol-whipped in elections the last two cycles.

He has fewer collaborators now than he did then.

They voted not to remove him from office, twice, despite obvious abuses of power.


Yeah, this.

You could maybe explain away the second one by saying he only had a few days left anyway. And if he wins in '24, their actions will have been necessary for him to have power during that term.

Of course, you can’t really hand wave away the first trial. That was clearly substantive in keeping him in power.

Also, they endorse an obvious felon to be their party’s candidate for president and are advocating for him to avoid prosecution that would happen to anyone else who’d acted similarly.

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The impeachment is a political thing by nature. It’s mostly kabuki, and not that big of a deal.

I’m talking about this leftist fever dream that his collaborators will protect him from an election he lost and says was stolen from him. That is the actually scary shit: that won’t happen.

It’s so over

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Nah, this is the scary shit:

His approval rating was like 67% when Watergate broke and Trump’s support has a hard cap at 45% so I think even that theory is out the window. The Founding Dumbasses screwed us with this asinine system.

Everyone should be banned for not apprecating this reference

I mean they’re quite obviously both very corrupt and very cynical and bad faith in their manipulation of criminal law. That was obvious way before this story came out, and it’s obvious if you ignore anything to do with Trump. Just say war makes strange bedfellows or whatever the saying is, rather than being like “nah they’re not that bad”

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I think when the history is written, Trump may not even emerge as the worst villain. Rather, the true vile actors of this awful period in American history will be the Republican senate/politicians who time and time again shamelessly showed they had no spine or integrity

Think of how quickly the Trump phenomenon (and his MAGA base) could’ve been neutered and nullified meaningless if they had taken any one of myriad chances to act with an ounce of integrity early on

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Yeah, Nixon got taken down because there were three networks and the local newspaper, all who reported the same exact facts, and people had no choice but to believe it because the truth actually existed at one point.

If Nixon had had multiple millions of keyboard warrior fuckwits and the power of the Russian propaganda machine reminding everyone that Nixon was just gathering evidence against his pedophile demonrat enemies, then he would have come away completely unscathed.



Hahahhahahahaha. Oh wow.

The second impeachment was literally about protecting him from an election he lost and said was stolen from him.

Trump’s #1 message this cycle is avenging an election he lost and says was stolen from him, and all his cronies are on board.

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You’re both kind of right in that the system “worked” in the sense that democracy ultimately prevailed and Trump seems to have paid a political price for his bullshit in future elections, but downplaying the continued threat of slide into a fascist dictatorship because “it didn’t happen before” seems pretty short sighted.

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Trump openly committed crimes from day 1 and literally stole top secret nuclear secrets and years later he’s still the odds on favorite to win the next election outright or steal it in a coup. Absolutely none of the checks and balances that were supposed to stop this kind of thing worked. All we can do is hope for some big Biden surge and also hope they don’t all bring guns to the insurrection next time.

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Best we can do is the senate majority leader “choosing not to comment on the republican primary race” of his own party

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