Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Dental/Vision insurance is bullshit unless the employer is subsidizing it.

Under this theory, Vivek also does not qualify since neither of his parents were US citizens at the time of his birth.


Assuming the allegations are true, I donā€™t care if he is qualified and if his rates were appropriate. As a government official you should never hire someone youā€™re sleeping with for a role where you are going to have financial oversight and other managerial discretion over them. Either find someone else (Iā€™ve been to Atlanta a few times and seen lots of law officesā€¦), or structure the hiring and management process in a way where you are not in a supervisory capacity over him.


Stop giving him ideas


I can see it now.

House begins impeachment proceeding.

Trump watching airstrike on the US Capitol Building from the WH Situation Room: Impeach this!


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I am somewhat skeptical of the FOX talking headsā€™ observations. They seem a bit unsettled.

Yup they are discount plans. Unless you are a heavy user they make little sense. And then itā€™s like a bed bath and beyond coupon.

Iā€™m having some implant/crown work done. Dental insurance costs about $1,000 for the year (2 people) Iā€™m saving about $2500. Or $1500 net.

On a year with just checkups definitely losing out. But I grew up with well water during my early years so we all got shit teeth.

To be fair a legal system where an impeachment conviction in the senate is required as a precursor for prosecuting a president for crimes committed in office should still be a fairly robust legal system as it shouldnā€™t be possible for a pool of 100 sane rational adults to be such partisan hacks that they would allow someone on their team to get away with literal fucking murder, but here we are.


The founding fathers didnā€™t anticipate bad-faith players being involved in the government. Too much West Wing imoā€¦

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I anticipated some. They just didnā€™t go far enough.

The Founding Fathers knew bad-faith demagogues like Trump would come along, they just didnā€™t anticipate that there would be a critical mass of collaborators in Congress and the courts. Watergate actually gave America a false sense of security, a more politically popular Nixon likely would have gotten away with all kinds of crimes.



LOL. What, a 10% chance he ends up doing this?

  1. He is blustering. I know he doesnt have good lawyers, but NO lawyer, good or not, would ever permit that

On the last go-round there werenā€™t quite enough all-in collaborators to get it done. He wonā€™t make the mistake of ever considering any quality other than loyalty again.

Too big a scumbag for Epstein.


The lawyer doesnā€™t have the final say, the client does.

Heā€™s not doing it for the case. Heā€™s using it for his campaign. He knows it will get played nonstop by every media outlet. All his troubles boil down to whether or not he can get reelected.


The appearance of impropriety.