Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Trial court made extensive findings after a trial.

Procedural due process has been easily cleared. Doubt that the Judges will go down a Lochner path.

Holy shit! What if we have tape or even video of him leading a violent attack on Congress? Then it would be lights out for sure.


Naah you need a notarized document attesting to your criminal intent, otherwise you can just say like you were being sarcastic and it’s all good*.

*if you are white


Still can’t believe 1/6 is real

If it was a bunch of brown people storming the capitol it would have looked like Pickett’s charge

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When you’re a star, they let you do it.

Supreme Court aids the delay horseshit of course. A+ job Merrick Garland bringing the insurrection charges like 3 years after the fucking insurrection, fuck off you limp dicked gutless bitch.


Is it possible that after the DC Circuit denies Trump’s immunity claim, the SC then just declines to review the decision when Trump appeals to them?

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Many people are saying Trump is throwing Nauta under the bus.

That is possible. I actually would be surprised if they make some big sweeping statement that “The President has total immunity from everything.” Even if that is the impact of the ruling, they probably won’t state it that clearly/directly.

That being said, my hunch is that even if they ultimately rule against him, SCOTUS will still hear the appeal (1) because it is an important constitutional issue and they like weighing in on those and (2) even a negative ruling kinda helps Trump by running out the clock. The DC criminal case is currently paused while the appeal plays out, so any delays at this point make it harder for the case to be resolved before the election.

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Right. The Florida criminal case is stalled because he appointed the judge and the DC criminal case is stalled because he appointed multiple judges.

We do not have a functioning judiciary.

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It’s stalled for two weeks until The DC Circuit hears the appeal. :sleeping:

This legal process is moving along at warp speed and edge lords still think it’s too slow.



If they don’t haul him into prison on Christmas morning the ingĂ©nues will stamp their feet.

Warp speed! Lolololol


Lifting the stay would kick things up a notch, I think.

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LMAO. We’re ~10 months away from an election in which Trump is very live to win the damn thing and all the shit that goes along with THAT and we just need to chill here guys, even though the almost universal outcome of everything is and has been LOL LAW

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We are 7 years into this fucking nightmare and law bros still have the fucking nerve to insist the system is working just great.


This is the true fucking horror. I can’t imagine any basically intelligent person thinking the US legal system has a shred of credibility. I’d be so embarrassed to be making claims about how the system will save America at this point. These people are as delusional as those who think Clinton is an alien who lives off the harvested juices of children’s glands.