Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition



“But it was My New Order, Hitler’s speeches, not Mein Kampf. I thought he would find it interesting. I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”

Maybe he told the truth for once. He didn’t read Mein Kampf, it was this other book by the same author.

For a bunch of folks that call out the Democrats for being pussies, ya’ll sure are a bunch of pussies.

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Unless they actually succeed in nuking him.


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One needn’t be a populist to recognize what’s happening here: A solid majority of the Republican electorate wants Trump to be its nominee, but those who really wield power in our system have decided they will not permit it.

fuck off cnn

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Counterpoint. Don’t do the coup on live tv


lol keed


My prediction for a SCOTUS ruling is 9-0 that Colorado can remove insurrectionists from the presidential ballot, but there has been insufficient process to show that Trump is an insurrectionist, so they can’t remove him right now. Clarence Thomas will write a separate opinion concurring in judgment but arguing that SCOTUS should hold that Trump is definitely not an insurrectionist rather than holding he has not yet been properly proven to be an insurrectionist, citing the failure of the Senate to convict during the second impeachment.

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…so then what happens if he gets convicted of one of these charges?

Then he is on the ballot but will unable to hold office?

These people don’t want to have to worry about being killed by a MAGA mob but they love legacy and power and stabbing Trump in the back along despite the hordes of screaming MAGA zombies is definitely a power/legacy move.

The Court hopes that it doesn’t have to ever answer that question.

This is extremely obvious and should not be a take only seen in fringe publications nobody reads or sees.


Then fuck you becuase

At least there will be plenty of entertaining tweets for the next year or so.


Love all this hand-wringing about disqualifying Trump. Fuck him, and fuck his voters. They told us that 2000 was about “law” and we knew it was bullshit but sucked it up. The Bush presidency was a historic disaster that gave us the war in Iraq, the current supreme court, and 8 years of total bullshit. Lil Trumpy Wumpy and his voters can now have their own taste of the application of law and learn to love it.

Karl Popper wrote in The Open Society and Its Enemies that the biggest threat to democracy is electing people who do not respect democracy. We have seen concrete examples of this in many places, including Russia. That Trump wasn’t prevented from running sooner for election is unfortuante, but I do not give a flying fuck if Trump being disqualified gives his voters a case of the sads. Let their barely literate asses enjoy the process.


He is a hitler completist


Man his voice is so spot on!