Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I put no stock in these prisoner of the moment polls. Haley is almost a compete unknown to most people. She’ll take back Orange County country club moderate Rs, but she’ll lose all the nutjobs who came out of the woodwork to vote for Trump.


As long as the number of crazy previously disengaged voters who will show out for Trump in force outnumbers the few remaining moderates turned off by him, they have no reason to nuke him. I’m not convinced Haley or any other Trump wannabe can turn out his core like he does.

Although the stupidity of our electorate never ceases to amaze me. There could be a huge % of never Trumpers just champing at the bit to vote for a republican.

70,000 votes go the other way in MI/PA/WI in 2016 I’m pretty sure Trump gets nuked into orbit.

MAGA has been the trajectory of the Republican Party. Trump just sped up the timeline. What’s the point of nuking Trump if his eventually replacement will be cut from the same cloth?

I expect she would depress turnout. Trump depends on masses of atypical voters.

Most cults are built around a leader and collapse when they’re gone. I’m not sure MAGA will be significantly different. It’s a movement largely built around one guy and I don’t know if it has significant staying power beyond that.


What gun toting MAGA chud is going to vote for a minority woman

Come on now

Who is the Trump replacement. Trump is a unicorn for Deplorables. Look at the bench.

Is this true? I would think any moderate Republican would trounce Biden as unpopular as he is. The only reason he has a shot it seems is because the alternative is Trump. I guess I’m reading the room all wrong?

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I don’t think anyone really knows with any certainty. Predicting which way the swing voters will go in an election is notoriously difficult. Every election is different. There’s always conflicting dynamics and which ones will win out is a bit of a crapshoot. Sure moderate swing voters who dislike Biden for any various reasons probably turn out for Haley that would otherwise stay home or vote Biden, but there are Trumpers who don’t turn out for anyone other than him, and predicting which group outnumbers the other is the challenge.

Right but I was talking about how unpopular Biden is among his own party. Right now you have many Dems who would walk barefoot across broken glass to vote against Trump. Without Trump on the opposing ticket, I’m not at all sure how many young people turn out for Biden

the same people who say this also said we should be rooting for Trump in the R primary because Desantis was going to trounce everybody. the truth is there are a ton of people who will only come out to vote when trump is on the ballot and the mythical moderate independent swing voter is going to pull the trigger for the republican every single time regardless of whether its Trump, Desantis or Mike Pence on the ballot.

No one can tell at this point who will win. I’m convinced a lot of these fence sitters don’t choose who to vote for until they enter the voting booth.

On the flip side Trump hugely increases turnout for the Dems as well.



he increases turnout on both sides but more for the Rs, all you have to do is look at the Dems crushing the GA runoffs and every other non-Trump election to see that


idk who will win between biden and trump but one thing i can say for near certainty is Biden has a better chance against any other R candidate than against Trump

Even if Colorado wins, is there anything stopping Republicans from running any other candidate and then if that candidate wins all the pledged electors just vote for Trump in the EC anyway?

The part of Trumps appeal that is still somehow a mystery to all the impersonators is that he’s willing to look like a complete idiot. Every wannabe Trump clone fails because they have some amount of shame. The GOP base identifies deeply with being a stupid fucking moron piece of shit racist asshat and being proud of it. Nobody else brings that.


