Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I said two weeks in terms of a stay, but probably two months before a decision.

January 4 is one day before state law requires Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold to certify the list of candidates for the March 5 Republican presidential primary.

Would the Supreme Court order the election delayed? If not, they would need to rule on it fast as they need to print ballots.

When this gets overturned, every Trumper dipshit is going to be further energized and emboldened.


Maybe the justices can come to a compromise where you have to ask for a special ballot if you want to vote for Trump, like those cool secret menu items at McDonald’s.


That’s just an argument for never doing anything to him if you also subscribe to the common paired view that he is bulletproof.

The argument is to not waste everyone’s time with more Muller Time! legal bullshit that can’t possibly work and instead focus on actually beating Trump in the election. Don’t take a shot at the king and miss.


I think the SCO-CO stayed the ruling until after the primary or SCOTUS decision. So he will be on the primary ballot unless the 9 rule him off before then.

Forget to log into Trolly’s account before posting?

Gorsuch effortlessly contradicts himself. Ah well, nevertheless.

It’s really Exhibit A how fucking stupid republicans are they haven’t taken any of the million opportunities they’ve had to nuke this guy, starting with Mitch McConnell letting him off when the whole world was saying “he’s just going to run again.”


Nuking Trump isn’t in their best interests.

It takes time to print ballots and mail them though right? Assuming the deadline is based off that. They can’t just change it a day before.

Nah, fuck that. Put these people on record for letting Trump run again for the sake of history.

Trump getting nuked is in their best interests, but being on the record as the ones having nuked trump is not


Trump still represents their best chance at winning the White House.

Their job is a lot easier if they don’t win the White House, then they can just attack Biden and blame everything on him instead of having to actually govern. If you told almost any purple district R they would get re-elected but Biden wins the White House they would almost unanimously all take it


Probably true for just about any congressperson of any party regardless of the redness or blueness of the district.

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They need a Republican in the White House at some point to nominate younger replacements for Thomas and Alito. They have actual policy goals instead of being pure grift.

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yep, the vast majority of congress are there because they like the power, influence and money that it provides and their primary goal is to get re-elected in order to maintain all of those things. there are very few true believers out there, if turning on trump would help their re-election chances they would do it in a heartbeat, as it turns out trump is still wildly popular among the R base so they have to walk on eggshells around him in public even though most of them probably secretly hate him in private

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Not sure this is true. Most of the polls I’ve seen show Haley beating Biden in a general election by a bigger margin than Trump beating Biden. For whatever that’s worth.