Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

He is credibly credited with being actuated by lofty, unselfish patriotism. He probably does not know himself just what he wants to accomplish. The keynote of his propaganda in speaking and writing is violent anti-Semitism. His followers are nicknamed the “Hakenkreuzler.” So violent are Hitler’s fulminations against the Jews that a number of prominent Jewish citizens are reported to have sought safe asylums in the Bavarian highlands, easily reached by fast motor cars, whence they could hurry their women and children when forewarned of an anti-Semitic St. Bartholomew’s night.

But several reliable, well-informed sources confirmed the idea that Hitler’s anti-Semitism was not so genuine or violent as it sounded, and that he was merely using anti-Semitic propaganda as a bait to catch masses of followers and keep them aroused, enthusiastic, and in line for the time when his organization is perfected and sufficiently powerful to be employed effectively for political purposes.

A sophisticated politician credited Hitler with peculiar political cleverness for laying emphasis and over-emphasis on anti-Semitism, saying: “You can’t expect the masses to understand or appreciate your finer real aims. You must feed the masses with cruder morsels and ideas like anti-Semitism. It would be politically all wrong to tell them the truth about where you really are leading them.”

New York Times, 21st November, 1922


This article from 2016 or just similar to one of the many from then?

Today in random thoughts: If Trump is tried and convicted before the election, he could become the first US president who didn’t vote for himself.

I bet Jimmy Carter didn’t vote for himself

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Well, there’s Gerald Ford too. Random thoughts, not good ones.

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DJT off ballot in CO


Can I just say, Fuck Ya!

Normies who don’t follow politics will hear about this and it will turn (most of) them off even further. It will also create chaos in the GOP.

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I hope you’re right. My worry is that by keeping him off the ballot in states where Biden is going to win anyway we light a fire under the MAGAs in Pennsylvania, Arizona, etc.

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The main effect of this type of ruling is the primary. Trump will be unable to win delegates in CO. I Share your skepticism that swing states will kick him off.

I can see SCOTUS reversing this, but forcing them to hold a hearing will be fun.

SCOTUS will obviously overturn. But if they somehow don’t, isn’t he going to get kicked off of every ballot? I assume an voter in any state could bring the suit?

Scotus overturning is the mortal lock bet of all time. It’s a close to a sure thing something that hasn’t happened can be. The sun will rise tomorrow levels of surety.

No I won’t bet on it. :wink:


They may override or they may not. If they do it will be on their obituary and every law student will read the case and know the supreme court is a farce. The stakes are higher for the court than you realize.

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FR FR Thomas can probably get another 7 figure vacation out of this one


IF SCOTUS denies cert, it will be up to every state to interpret the law. The plaintiffs had to prove like 8 different things, some of which are CO specific laws. Any state will be free to disagree with those conclusions, as 4 of the 8 CO judges already have.

Does the same hold if they somehow take up the case and uphold the ruling?

It seems like that is a pretty monumental ruling and would be hard for SCOTUS not to review it.

Consider: he will get the seven figure vacation if Desantis gets the slot in his place. The politics are not all black/white here. Lot of Republicans would like to see Trump six feet under.


The interesting question to me will be if they reverse, whether they feel obligated to give a reason.

Also, for the most part we’re out of time to file suits in additional states.