Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Come on. What stakes? Zero will happen to anyone on the court other than they will continue to get mountains of grift. Dems are never doing anything about it. Ever.

There have already been similar suits in a few states, but pretty sure this is the first decisive ruling against Trump (the other cases were either dismissed on procedural grounds, ruled for Trump, or haven’t been ruled on yet). IF SCOTUS rules against him, then, yes, I’d expect even more similar suits in other states.

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Shoot me a price

If they reverse it, I don’t think that they can say something like “He stays on the ballot because he hasn’t been convicted of insurrection”… because that creates a hell storm if he does get convicted in the middle of the election season.

Well he was never going to win the popular vote anyway.

Brett and Amy seem like Nikki Haley Republicans.

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It seems like there would be some weird implications if the ruling stands and Trump is elected anyway. Like, CO isn’t going to recognize Trump’s win? There would be nothing they could do about it but the president would be technically illegitimate.

Weird shit happens when nazi insurrectionists get elected president!


Bush v Gore was basically taught this way and yet…


No more illegitimate than if their electoral college delegates go for Biden normally. Or Lincoln despite the Confederate states not participating in the 1864 election.

I suspect that if SCOTUS doesn’t reverse, the GOP will strip CO of its delegates.

I expect the supreme court will reverse 6-3 based on some “originalist” view that the 14th amendment only applies to “organized” rebellion or something, but the fact is that this opinion puts Trump behind the 8-ball, which is an unusual situation for him. This is sudden death overtime. Same with the “immunity” appeal, same with GA case. Trump needs to run the table to avoid disqualification, and the supreme court would have to create an even more imperial presidency (a competing branch) for him to do so. Every supreme court victory for Trump diminishes the court, and Roberts knows that.

Seems a lot more like the second case than the first.

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And i dont live in a hotel


seems like conservative states’ rights types should be cheering colorado.

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I am all for Biden ignoring any election results based on this ruling and stay in the White House if Trump is his opponent.


If trump loses he is 100% claiming every single blue state that he was not on the ballot for and never had a chance of winning anyways. I get leaving him off the ballot but unless this happens in a swing state it’s basically just a symbolic act at best and a reverse freeroll at worst


He already claimed every state he lost in free and fair elections in the past, so probably.


Has he truthed about this yet? I get a sick thrill out of picturing him losing his mind rage posting