Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

As I was saying a couple days ago. Facts are 100% irrelevant in US politics. Fact checking is the equivalent of trying to solve the problem by baking more cakes.

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What if we vote harder for more cakes?


The experts said our pro-Israel policies would produce terror and chaos. Good thing none of that happened!


I thought the order was currently suspended but whatever.

Edit: i guess the stay had just been lifted? Oh, Mr Trump.


CSPAN is posting video of Trump 14th Amendment case in CO.

My gut says that removing him from the ballot in Colorado, a state he would lose regardless, helps him in places like MI, PA, AZ etc. I was against California passing a law requiring all presidential candidates to reveal their tax returns for the same reason.

Perhaps the whole election becomes copy cat cases from the other states trying to remove him from the ballot?




Gee, I wonder who he thinks should be in these institutions. I think it rhymes with Franshmenders

Institutions staffed with people trained in treating the mentally ill would be vastly better than where we currently sending the mentally ill, which is jail.


Who is going to pay for it? Reagan didn’t want the govt to pay for it and stopped it didn’t he?

no, please! free mental health care for the homeless would trigger the libs so much. don’t do it!


Yeah, Republicans hate this idea and Trump will forget he ever mentioned it in a month.

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The problem is, if the implementation comes from the right, you can sure as hell bet the list of things deemed acceptable for instiutionalism will include things they just dont like.

Homeless but without mental health issues? Fuck you, buddy… into the facility.

Somebody wearing a mask in public for physcial health reasons? Right off to the mental hospital.

Think you’re a woman born in a man’s body? Lol, ok there sweetheart, not only a trip to the facility, but a fast track appointment with the shock therapy machine.

It would become a place for undesirables, not a place for genuine mental health care.


It would be, but it won’t be.

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Imagine if instead of going to jail for a x months or years you had to stay there “until you became a good person” and you get the idea here.

I totally get that it can be problematic. California is currently trying to try something along these lines.