Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

I dunno. I mean he certainly won’t veto any crazy shit that comes across his desk. But I also don’t think he’d obsess over driving trans people back into the closet the way that Trump did with his pet projects like the stupid wall.

Even IF DeSantis is not a true believer, he’s going to want a second term. So, isn’t it reasonable to assume that if he thinks pulling “anti-woke” nonsense in Florida helped him win the presidency that he’d do at least some of it on the national level in order to keep it?


Drag queen got hands


It can be simultaneously true that the culture war stuff is BS but also that DeSantis will still send trans kids off to internment camps. There’s no downside for him to toss out red meat to the MAGA base.

Yea I think DeSantis for sure keeps the hate flowing. It’s how he will pretend he’s still anti-woke/trans/whatever while not doing anything of substance to improve the living conditions of his base

How the hell can the Democrat base achieve what the GOP base has done and get our politicians that fucking scared of us is what I want to know

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Are we sure that the gates are for Trump. Maybe they are just opening a new Shake Shack down there idk.


When I see those barriers I always assume Bret Michaels is making some sort of appearance nearby


of course picture with handcuffs would look bad, but he’d be crazy to forego this kind of publicity.

I think this luckbox is getting incredibly lucky again and this is gonna make him look like a victim coming ahead of the GA and DoJ indictments. It’s nuts how well this man runs

Nah. I’m in the camp that once you realize he’s a crook you can’t unsee it. Of course there are those that know and just don’t care. Sympathy does not matter.

So… predictions for how this plays out over the next few weeks and months?
Are there likely to be enough Trump loyalists / nut jobs out there willing to make enough noise to actually affect anything? Don’t see it myself. The interesting bit for me is do they have charges that can actually stick and get a conviction? Again I don’t see it. Though I’m not clear on the distinction between federal and local charges and the potential punishments. Or indeed what they’re likely to actually throw at him.

So does this just play out as Trump getting arrested, making a huge spectacle, then negotiating or pleading to a slap on the wrist? This seems the logical conclusion but would be a disaster surely. If you come at the all time king of the scumbags, you better not miss.

Someone give me some encouragement!

The only one that could be devastating is any Insurrection charges. Jack Smith Insurrection charges >>Georgia election tampering >>>Jean Caroll rape and defamation >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Any other I’m forgetting >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The (probable?) current NY Stormy charges.

This one is more for entertainment. Enjoy his truthing! They are hilarious!


It’s my understanding that this case will be the hardest to prove, although I’m not a lawyer. I just really wish one of the others came first. I take a back seat to no one when it comes to loathing this man and even I don’t much care about his payment to silence Daniels or whatever campaign finance violations there were when he’s committed a plethora of much more serious crimes that he needs to be held accountable for



They see someone wearing makeup and think “that’s me”?

Well I guess it’s true, a majority of white women do vote for Trump

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Trump is at the precipice of an enormous crossroads