Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Indicting a … presidential candidate is not to be done lightly.


It’s so binary. It seems like the “best” outcome is him getting the nom and destroyed in the general taking the party down with him. If this hardens the MAGA support that they stay home in the general if DeCanter STEALS the nom then that’s good too.

But the small chance he does win the general, then it’s game over.

I think we don’t want to underestimate this possibility. The only reason Trump won in 2016 was that everyone underestimated the degree to which social media was polluting the voter pool with wild misinformation. This is just going to continue to get worse as the full power of AI is layered on top of the basic Facebook algorithm issues. By 2024 social media is likely going to be full of deep fakes of the Dem candidate saying and doing things to activate the uneducated conservative base. They’re all going to think they’re seeing live video of Dem presidential candidates eating babies and stuff.

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The second one is obviously true.

Of course he is going to win the general.

More rabid MAGA doesn’t guarantee Trump wins. We’re walking on the edge of a cliff but Trump’s odds are worse than 2020.


So grand jury testimony hasn’t concluded. Trump’s paranoid imaginings are making him prematurely lose his shit.

I guess the biggest structural problem is that this whole brand of faux populist conservative culture war stuff requires constant new made up threats to get the fear mongering going. Trump’s biggest problem at this point is people getting bored with him.


Flying Cities!

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Make America Bioshock Again




Wearing Proud Boy paraphernalia in the West Village is a bold move

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Is there any evidence for this?

Evidence for which part of it?

People are getting bored with him. I hope it’s true but can’t think of evidence for it. Isn’t he he leading all polls right now for the nomination?

I think Republicans still like Trump. But the problem with being a bullshitter like Trump is that eventually people get frustrated that you don’t deliver. Trump has been activating their most hateful base emotions for years and a lot of them want violence. They crave the cruelty and the bullying and would love full blown “putting people in concentration camps” fascism. Trump is too lazy and stupid to actually get that done, so he’s always at risk of being left behind if a basically competent Nazi comes along as an alternative.

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I really hope you are right.

The funny thing about this is that DeSantis is certainly painting himself as that “competent Nazi”, but the feeling I get from him is that if he ever becomes president, it’ll become obvious that the culture war stuff was pure BS just to get there. I guarantee he’d largely just be a bog-standard Republican POTUS that cares about nothing but more tax cuts for billionaires and corporations, killing regulations, gutting SS and raising the retirement age to 80 or something, etc.

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stroooooooong disagree

Whether he believes it in his heart of hearts or not, he’ll double and triple down.