Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


along the same lines as the previous posts

I mean come on, if anyone is like I was voting Biden up until they arrested trump, they were always voting trump


Iā€™m not at all happy about this indictment. I mean, I guess this is what happens when you commit a million crimes, but Iā€™d much rather the DoJ or GA came first

As for anyone saying itā€™s political or that it should wait until Republicans are in control, puhleezeā€¦ Their masks have been removed a long time ago. Not only are they hypocrites, but they are criminal themselves and have shown no desire to hold one of their own accountable. Not only that, but even those that donā€™t like Trump have been cuckolded into submission

But yeahā€¦ Misuse of campaign funds to pay off a porn star is the least of what worries me about Trump, so it could very well backfire

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Iā€™m going to start committing non-violent crimes and run for office. Standard for indictment will be too high for me as a political candidate.


This seems 100% correct. Being indicted will be a good thing in the fucked up US banana republic.

Itā€™s not Biden v Trump.

Itā€™s the possibility of staying home versus the possibility of leaving their kid alone in a hospital in order to vote

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So the argument against this indictment appears to be a combo of ā€œformer presidents ought to be allowed to do crimesā€ and ā€œif a republican candidate is prosecuted, every future democrat candidate is going to jail irrespective of whether they did anything wrong. Thatā€™s just how it works.ā€


Lmao canā€™t indict as a candidate, canā€™t indict as prez, now itā€™s too late guys too many years

Yeah just a totally random jurisdiction. Not like he ever had a primary residence there or still owns property there.

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It was a perfect phone call!

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Guess heā€™s not going to bother hiring a proof-reader for his next Administration. Will save the government hundreds of thousands.

Does anyone know what the charges are actually going to be? I know itā€™s Stormy Daniels related.

Cactus should be given the title of Permanent Mod of Specifically This Thread if (((it))) happens, with all rights and privileges pertaining thereto. imo


Campaign finance charges??? Someone else would know better. Either they claimed as a campaign expense and it shouldnā€™t be or didnā€™t claim and should have.

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Considering cohen went to jail and trump was a co conspirator. Shouldnā€™t be too hard to get him Jail :)

Local news station on the tv next to the game is legit nothing but coverage of GQP reaction to the news. Nothing about the actual merits of the case. Itā€™s a Sinclair station.

Trump could avoid being arrested by not going to New York. He is going to New York, and arranging to make a speech afterward. I think he thinks this is good for him, and I think I agree.