Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition


The other one Iā€™m curious about is Insurance time. Do you go like Tax Time and underinsure or like loan time and overinsure it. I think itā€™s probably the former because Trump is cheap and submitting false insurance claims sounds like work.

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Itā€™d be a shame if something happened to the place.

Forbes also valuing Mara largo at 1.8 billion.

ā€œpersonal attacks on my members of my court are unacceptableā€ said judge, accepting that this had occured and not imposing any punishment.


that style of just saying you wonā€™t tolerate but wonā€™t actually do anything about it does work on some people but not guys like trump

Issuing a gag order and making him take down the post seems like a reasonable response for first offense (in this case)

Forbes also valuing Mara largo at 1.8 billion.

The wikipedia on this is hilarious. Trump bought it for $7m. It was a historical landmark and the previous family gave to the government.


He offered the Post family $15 million for it, but they rejected it. Trump purchased the land between Mar-a-Lago and the ocean from Jack C. Massey, the former owner of KFC, for $2 million,[23] stating he intended to build a home that would block Mar-a-Lagoā€™s beach view. The threat caused interest in the property to decline, and Trump ended up getting the property for $7 million in 1985

well we already knew that but man what a dick

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Gag orders work like declassification, where you just say it and itā€™s a thing?

I presume here itā€™s in the transcript of the court proceedings along with an acknowledgement (or at least lack of objection) by Trump or his lawyers that he understands that he has to abide by it. Which he did, at least in part, by deleting the offending post.

Trump lied to a judge. Was that wrong?

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Thatā€™s not out of the question. Itā€™s a great piece of property.

The Saudis would by a used and broken Cracker Jack toy for $1.8B if it served them. That doesnā€™t make the toy worth it. Kind of like paying $20 for a pencil in college. (Is that still a thing as a workaround to charging admission to a party?).

Honestly I donā€™t think $1.8 Billion is that much of an inflation. I havenā€™t looked up precisely how large it is, but itā€™s a huge piece of property, the dirt alone is worth a ton. Thereā€™s a Par 3 course a little ways south that is probably a little larger and Iā€™ve heard it being estimated at $2 Billion.

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Is he starting dreads?


Trump could also run into problems with the GOPā€™s own conference rules, which state a member of GOP leadership is required to step aside ā€œif indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years imprisonment may be imposed.ā€

I guess technically he has to become speaker before he steps aside. Also, it doesnā€™t say when he has to step aside or how that would be enforced. I still donā€™t think he wants a vote he could easily lose but heā€™ll take all the attention he can get up to that point.

How much do you think Trumpā€™s journey might have changed if he had instead just went straight to Senator and Speaker?

I want to say anyone who can win POTUS could have good chances at a lower position, but idk I think the grandiosity of the position may have been the only reason he had political momentum matched to his brand.

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Just a few assassinations away from being president again.