Donald J Trump: Rip Van Winkle edition

Debates hurt Biden’s re-election chances. Even if he still wins, it allows the media to point out miscues/gaffes etc. It also creates/furthers the narrative of Dems in disarray and that Biden is not popular. Finally, if could also alienate some Dem voters if they feel Biden treats their guy unfairly - much better to just have everyone rally around Biden in support.





  1. acquire (something) by paying for it

Oh I definitely believe there was no purchase.


Platforming RFK Jr is a negative freeroll and he acts like Tulsi 2.0 rather than a real Democrat. The party would rather concentrate on taking back the House and retaining the Senate without the distraction of a presidential primary. There’s no shame in not being able to beat Biden.

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A sane non-MAGA candidate can’t win the Republican primaries.

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Getting Trump voters to not show up for down ballot races should be a goal.

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That 4% has to have a portion who are like

Well of course I would change vote, but he’s never going to be convicted because it’s a deep state conspiracy blah blah blah.

If he is convicted this will be a sign of the corruption of the deep state, not a mark against Trump.

In general. “What would you do if X” is a poor predictor of behaviour.


According to that thread, just giving him the gun, “disposing” of it, is still a crime. Ianal though

the moment my brain processed the george washington i heard “awwwwwwwwww washington washington, 6 foot 8 weighs a fucking ton”


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Part of me wants to think it’s an intentional Reagan in Philadelphia moment, but another part thinks Trump’s too dumb.



I’ve identified your problem


the guys who gave us Scalia, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Shapiro, and Buchanan have THOUGHTS on Today’s Music Scene


r/uselessredcircle :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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She almost lost her conservative congressional district lol.

Biden is ending wars and encouraging auto union strikes. Meanwhile, every electoral barometer has Democrats as the more extreme party. The left is incapable of anything but misery. At least the planet will die soon.

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I was thinking similar. Also the existential threat of Trump will likely be gone, so there will be some options for taking more risks

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Ted Cruz saying that too lmao